Timing side-channel attacks and countermeasures in CPU microarchitectures
Microarchitectural vulnerabilities, such as Meltdown and Spectre, exploit subtle
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
Survey of transient execution attacks and their mitigations
Transient execution attacks, also known as speculative execution attacks, have drawn much
interest in the last few years as they can cause critical data leakage. Since the first …
interest in the last few years as they can cause critical data leakage. Since the first …
PACMAN: attacking ARM pointer authentication with speculative execution
This paper studies the synergies between memory corruption vulnerabilities and speculative
execution vulnerabilities. We leverage speculative execution attacks to bypass an important …
execution vulnerabilities. We leverage speculative execution attacks to bypass an important …
Speculative taint tracking (stt) a comprehensive protection for speculatively accessed data
Speculative execution attacks present an enormous security threat, capable of reading
arbitrary program data under malicious speculation, and later exfiltrating that data over …
arbitrary program data under malicious speculation, and later exfiltrating that data over …
I see dead µops: Leaking secrets via intel/amd micro-op caches
Modern Intel, AMD, and ARM processors translate complex instructions into simpler internal
micro-ops that are then cached in a dedicated on-chip structure called the micro-op cache …
micro-ops that are then cached in a dedicated on-chip structure called the micro-op cache …
Hardware-software contracts for secure speculation
Since the discovery of Spectre, a large number of hardware mechanisms for secure
speculation has been proposed. Intuitively, more defensive mechanisms are less efficient …
speculation has been proposed. Intuitively, more defensive mechanisms are less efficient …
Cleanupspec: An" undo" approach to safe speculation
Speculation-based attacks affect hundreds of millions of computers. These attacks typically
exploit caches to leak information, using speculative instructions to cause changes to the …
exploit caches to leak information, using speculative instructions to cause changes to the …
Swivel: Hardening {WebAssembly} against spectre
We describe Swivel, a new compiler framework for hardening WebAssembly (Wasm)
against Spectre attacks. Outside the browser, Wasm has become a popular lightweight, in …
against Spectre attacks. Outside the browser, Wasm has become a popular lightweight, in …
{DOLMA}: Securing speculation with the principle of transient {Non-Observability}
Modern processors allow attackers to leak data during transient (ie, mis-speculated)
execution through microarchitectural covert timing channels. While initial defenses were …
execution through microarchitectural covert timing channels. While initial defenses were …
Speculative interference attacks: Breaking invisible speculation schemes
Recent security vulnerabilities that target speculative execution (eg, Spectre) present a
significant challenge for processor design. These highly publicized vulnerabilities use …
significant challenge for processor design. These highly publicized vulnerabilities use …