[หนังสือ][B] 23/7: Pelican Bay prison and the rise of long-term solitary confinement

K Reiter - 2016 - books.google.com
How America's prisons turned a “brutal and inhumane” practice into standard procedure
Originally meant to be brief and exceptional, solitary confinement in US prisons has become …

Jails, sheriffs, and carceral policymaking

A Littman - Vand. L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
Just before Thanksgiving 2019, Lindie Keaton, a resident of Greene County, Ohio, to the
east of Dayton, attended a public hearing on a proposed sales tax increase to fund a jail …

Revisiting the Weberian presumption: gun militarism, gun populism, and the racial politics of legitimate violence in policing

J Carlson - American Journal of Sociology, 2019 - journals.uchicago.edu
Focusing on police chiefs in three states, this study revisits the Weberian presumption of the
state's monopoly on legitimate violence. Seventy-nine interviews with police chiefs in …

Crossing borders and criminalizing identity: The disintegrated subjects of administrative sanctions

K Reiter, SB Coutin - Law & Society Review, 2017 - cambridge.org
This paper draws on in-depth, qualitative interviews that examine individual experiences in
two different legal contexts: deportation regimes and supermax prisons. Through putting …

Administrative constitutionalism at the" borders of belonging": Drawing on history to expand the archive and change the lens

KM Tani - University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2019 - JSTOR
Research on administrative constitutionalism has generally come out of law of schools, from
scholars specializing in public law. A limitation of thw existing scholarship is its relatively thin …

Punishing status and the punishment status quo: solitary confinement in US immigration prisons, 2013–2017

K Franco, C Patler, K Reiter - Punishment & Society, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This study provides the first systematic, nationally representative analysis of administrative
records of solitary confinement placements in any carceral setting. We examine patterns in …

Disaggregating LWOP: Life without parole, capital punishment, and mass incarceration in Florida, 1972–1995

C Seeds - Law & Society Review, 2018 - cambridge.org
Over the past 40 years, life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (LWOP) has been
transformed from a rare sanction and marginal practice of last resort into a routine …

The power of the pen: Prisoners' letters to explore extreme imprisonment

M Vannier - Criminology & Criminal Justice, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This article examines how we might best examine the most extreme and inaccessible
corners of imprisonment. Drawing on a study of life imprisonment without parole (LWOP) in …

Correctional autonomy and authority in the rise of mass incarceration

K Reiter, K Chesnut - Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2018 - annualreviews.org
Much of the literature explaining both mass incarceration and increasingly harsh
punishment policies has been dominated by a focus on factors external to prisons, such as …

Prison Administrative Law

E Braatz - Am. UL Rev., 2024 - HeinOnline
This Article identifies and seeks to redress a lack of attention to the administrative aspects of
prisons. This shifting of the center of attention affects two bodies of legal scholarship: prison …