School feeding programs in develo** countries: impacts on children's health and educational outcomes
School feeding programs (SFPs) are intended to alleviate short-term hunger, improve
nutrition and cognition of children, and transfer income to families. The present review …
nutrition and cognition of children, and transfer income to families. The present review …
[HTML][HTML] School feeding programs in middle childhood and adolescence
Almost every country in the world has a national school feeding program to provide daily
snacks or meals to school-attending children and adolescents. The interventions reach an …
snacks or meals to school-attending children and adolescents. The interventions reach an …
[ספר][B] What works in girls' education: Evidence for the world's best investment
GB Sperling, R Winthrop - 2015 -
Hard-headed evidence on why the returns from investing in girls are so high that no nation
or family can afford not to educate their girls. Gene Sperling, author of the seminal 2004 …
or family can afford not to educate their girls. Gene Sperling, author of the seminal 2004 …
[ספר][B] Rethinking school feeding: social safety nets, child development, and the education sector
DAP Bundy - 2009 -
The global food, fuel, and financial crises have given new prominence to school feeding as
a potential safety net and as a social support measure that helps keep children in …
a potential safety net and as a social support measure that helps keep children in …
School feeding programs and development: are we framing the question correctly?
School feeding programs are politically popular interventions. They are, nevertheless,
difficult to assess in terms of effectiveness since their impact is partially on education and …
difficult to assess in terms of effectiveness since their impact is partially on education and …
[PDF][PDF] What works to promote children's educational access, quality of learning, and wellbeing in crisis-affected contexts
Objectives This study is a rigorous review of evidence found in the literature that shows
which interventions promote educational access, quality of learning, and wellbeing among …
which interventions promote educational access, quality of learning, and wellbeing among …
Estimating the impact of school feeding programs: Evidence from mid day meal scheme of India
This paper studies the impact of the world's largest free school lunch program (Mid Day Meal
Scheme) on school enrollment in India. While the program was launched nationally, its …
Scheme) on school enrollment in India. While the program was launched nationally, its …
[PDF][PDF] School Feeding in South Africa: What we know, what we don't know
This working paper draws on the proceedings of a 'National Workshop on School Feeding in
South Africa', convened in November 2017 by the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food …
South Africa', convened in November 2017 by the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food …
The case for a Canadian national school food program
Canada is one of the only member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) without a national school food program. Good nutrition impacts …
and Development (OECD) without a national school food program. Good nutrition impacts …
Impact of school meals on educational outcomes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Objective: This study evaluated the impact of the Addis Ababa School Feeding Program
(SFP) on educational outcomes. Design: Single-group repeated measurement/longitudinal …
(SFP) on educational outcomes. Design: Single-group repeated measurement/longitudinal …