Public risk perceptions of shale gas development: A comprehensive review
Shale gas has been described as a game changer due to its potential role in addressing
global climate change, protecting national security, and revitalizing local economies …
global climate change, protecting national security, and revitalizing local economies …
Resource-making controversies: Knowledge, anticipatory politics and economization of unconventional fossil fuels
Advancing relational accounts of 'resource-making'processes by deploying insights from
science and technology studies, this article outlines crucial new lines of inquiry for …
science and technology studies, this article outlines crucial new lines of inquiry for …
The history of the European oil and gas industry (1600s–2000s)
J Craig, F Gerali, F MacAulay, R Sorkhabi - 2018 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The history of the European oil and gas industry reflects local and global political events,
economic constraints, and the personal endeavours of individual petroleum geoscientists …
economic constraints, and the personal endeavours of individual petroleum geoscientists …
[HTML][HTML] Shale development in the US and Canada: a review of engagement practice
Public and stakeholder engagement with shale development is difficult, but essential. We
review 26 engagement processes carried out by US and Canadian companies, alliances …
review 26 engagement processes carried out by US and Canadian companies, alliances …
Shale gas industry sustainability assessment based on WSR methodology and fuzzy matter-element extension model: The case study of China
Shale gas plays an important role in energy transformation. The sustainable development of
the shale gas industry is a prerequisite for achieving an efficient, green, and long-term use of …
the shale gas industry is a prerequisite for achieving an efficient, green, and long-term use of …
Assessing the sustainability of the shale gas industry by combining DPSIRM model and RAGA-PP techniques: An empirical analysis of Sichuan and Chongqing …
Shale gas is a kind of unconventional natural gas stored in shale formation. Compared with
traditional fossil fuels, it is more efficient and environmentally friendly. It can help to reduces …
traditional fossil fuels, it is more efficient and environmentally friendly. It can help to reduces …
Between domestic politics and ecological crises:(De) legitimization of Polish environmentalism
While political environmentalism played an important role in social mobilization against
communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe before 1989, throughout the 1990s and …
communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe before 1989, throughout the 1990s and …
A contested transition toward a coal-free future: Advocacy coalitions and coal policy in the Czech Republic
Coal phase-out is an integral part of the ongoing energy transition to a decarbonized
economy. Any such process involves diverse actors that compete over the nature and pace …
economy. Any such process involves diverse actors that compete over the nature and pace …
Anti-fossil frames: Examining narratives of the opposition to brown coal mining in the Czech Republic
This article analyzes the coalmining opposition in the Czech Republic, a country with
substantial brown coal production, high dependency on this fuel, massive exports in form of …
substantial brown coal production, high dependency on this fuel, massive exports in form of …
Hydraulic fracturing as an interpretive policy problem: Lessons on energy controversies in Europe and the USA
This special issue addresses hydraulic fracturing for shale gas extraction as an interpretive
policy problem. Bringing together empirical cases from the USA, the Netherlands, the UK …
policy problem. Bringing together empirical cases from the USA, the Netherlands, the UK …