Program comprehension through reverse‐engineered sequence diagrams: A systematic review
Reverse engineering of sequence diagrams refers to the process of extracting meaningful
information about the behavior of software systems in the form of appropriately generated …
information about the behavior of software systems in the form of appropriately generated …
Learning UML sequence diagrams with a new constructivist pedagogical tool: SD4ED
Increasingly, students from many different majors are taking foundational courses in
Software Engineering (SE) where modelling forms a major part. Novices with limited Object …
Software Engineering (SE) where modelling forms a major part. Novices with limited Object …
Denotational and operational semantics for interaction languages: Application to trace analysis
Graphical depictions of distributed systems' behaviors in the form of Sequence Diagrams
(SD) are widely used, with formalisms such as Message Sequence Charts (MSC) or UML …
(SD) are widely used, with formalisms such as Message Sequence Charts (MSC) or UML …
A formal approach for consistency management in UML models
H Wen, J Wu, J Jiang, G Tang, Z Hong - International Journal of …, 2023 - World Scientific
Consistency is a significant indicator to measure the correctness of a software system in its
lifecycle. It is inevitable to introduce inconsistencies between different software artifacts in …
lifecycle. It is inevitable to introduce inconsistencies between different software artifacts in …
Equivalence of denotational and operational semantics for interaction languages
Abstract Message Sequence Charts (MSC) and Sequence Diagrams (SD) are graphical
models representing the behaviours of distributed and concurrent systems via the …
models representing the behaviours of distributed and concurrent systems via the …
Interactive pedagogical agents for learning sequence diagrams
Students struggle to learn sequence diagrams (SDs), as the designs must meet the
requirements without violating the constraints imposed by other UML diagrams. Providing …
requirements without violating the constraints imposed by other UML diagrams. Providing …
Enhanced visualization of method invocations by extending reverse-engineered sequence diagrams
Software} maintainers employ reverse-engineered sequence diagrams to visually
understand software behavior, especially when software documentation is absent or …
understand software behavior, especially when software documentation is absent or …
A Simple Trace Semantics for Asynchronous Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagrams are a popular technique for describing interactions between software
entities. However, because the OMG group's UML standard is not based on a rigorous …
entities. However, because the OMG group's UML standard is not based on a rigorous …
The role of open source software in program analysis for reverse engineering
Program analysis is the process of statically or dynamically retrieving the structure and
behavior of software systems. Static analysis solely relies on the availability of source code …
behavior of software systems. Static analysis solely relies on the availability of source code …
A model‐based framework for automatic generation of a pattern language verifier
Design patterns solve recurring design problems. One of the best practices, to solve a whole
problem in a specific context, is to apply patterns in the form of a collection of related …
problem in a specific context, is to apply patterns in the form of a collection of related …