[HTML][HTML] Bosonic quantum error correction codes in superconducting quantum circuits

W Cai, Y Ma, W Wang, CL Zou, L Sun - Fundamental Research, 2021 - Elsevier
Quantum information is vulnerable to environmental noise and experimental imperfections,
hindering the reliability of practical quantum information processors. Therefore, quantum …

Blueprint for a scalable photonic fault-tolerant quantum computer

JE Bourassa, RN Alexander, M Vasmer, A Patil… - Quantum, 2021 - quantum-journal.org
Photonics is the platform of choice to build a modular, easy-to-network quantum computer
operating at room temperature. However, no concrete architecture has been presented so …

Quantum information processing with bosonic qubits in circuit QED

A Joshi, K Noh, YY Gao - Quantum Science and Technology, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The unique features of quantum theory offer a powerful new paradigm for information
processing. Translating these mathematical abstractions into useful algorithms and …

Information processing at the speed of light

M AbuGhanem - Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2024 - Springer
In recent years, quantum computing has made significant strides, particularly in light-based
technology. The introduction of quantum photonic chips has ushered in an era marked by …

Time-efficient constant-space-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computation

H Yamasaki, M Koashi - Nature Physics, 2024 - nature.com
Scaling up quantum computers to attain substantial speedups over classical computing
requires fault tolerance. Conventionally, protocols for fault-tolerant quantum computation …

Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum error correction with the surface-GKP code

K Noh, C Chamberland, FGSL Brandão - PRX Quantum, 2022 - APS
Fault-tolerant quantum error correction is essential for implementing quantum algorithms of
significant practical importance. In this work, we propose a highly effective use of the surface …

[HTML][HTML] Over-8-dB squeezed light generation by a broadband waveguide optical parametric amplifier toward fault-tolerant ultra-fast quantum computers

T Kashiwazaki, T Yamashima, K Enbutsu… - Applied Physics …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
We achieved continuous-wave 8.3-dB squeezed light generation using a terahertz-order-
broadband waveguide optical parametric amplifier by improving a measurement setup from …

Quantum repeaters based on concatenated bosonic and discrete-variable quantum codes

F Rozpędek, K Noh, Q Xu, S Guha, L Jiang - npj Quantum Information, 2021 - nature.com
We propose an architecture of quantum-error-correction-based quantum repeaters that
combines techniques used in discrete-and continuous-variable quantum information …

Efficient backcasting search for optical quantum state synthesis

K Fukui, S Takeda, M Endo, W Asavanant… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
Non-Gaussian states are essential for many optical quantum technologies. The so-called
optical quantum state synthesizer (OQSS), consisting of Gaussian input states, linear optics …

Concatenate codes, save qubits

S Yoshida, S Tamiya, H Yamasaki - arxiv preprint arxiv:2402.09606, 2024 - arxiv.org
The essential requirement for fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC) is the total protocol
design to achieve a fair balance of all the critical factors relevant to its practical realization …