The problem of intermixing of metals possessing no mutual solubility upon explosion welding (Cu–Ta, Fe–Ag, Al–Ta)

BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, VV Rybin, OA Elkina… - Materials …, 2013 - Elsevier
On the basis of the results obtained for joints of dissimilar metals such as copper–tantalum
and iron–silver, the reason of immiscible suspensions mixing upon explosion welding has …

Microheterogeneous structure of local melted zones in the process of explosive welding

BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, AV Inozemtsev… - … Materials Transactions A, 2015 - Springer
The dispersed structures formed in the process of explosive welding and solidification after
melting were investigated in areas near the interface. It was shown that melting can be …

[CARTE][B] Explosive welding: processes and structures

BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, SV Kuzmin, VI Lysak - 2019 -
This reference explores explosion welding, a high intensity, transient impact that achieves
metal compounds not obtainable otherwise. Electron microscopy images cover the structure …

Formation of intermetallic compounds during explosive welding

BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, MS Pushkin… - … Materials Transactions A, 2016 - Springer
Transition states between traditional, ie, plain and wavy, shapes of the interface during
explosive welding were studied. A sequence of the transition states was found for the …

Inhomogeneities of the interface produced by explosive welding

BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, VV Rybin… - The Physics of Metals …, 2012 - Springer
Results of studying structure of the transition zone for a number of joints produced by
explosive welding are presented. The joints of dissimilar metals (titanium-orthorhombic …

The processes of fragmentation, intermixing and fusion upon explosion welding

BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, AM Patselov… - AASRI Procedia, 2012 - Elsevier
On the basis of the results obtained for joints of dissimilar metals such as copper-tantalum,
iron-silver, it has been cleared out the reason of immiscible suspensions mixing upon …

Fragmentation processes during explosion welding

BA Grinberg, MA Ivanov, VV Rybin, OA Elkina… - Russian Metallurgy …, 2013 - Springer
The fragmentation during explosion welding is briefly reviewed. Fragmentation of
partitioning type (FPT), which consists in partitioning into particles that either fly away or join …

Неоднородности поверхности раздела при сварке взрывом

БА Гринберг, МА Иванов, ВВ Рыбин… - Физика металлов и …, 2012 -
Приведены результаты исследования структуры переходной зоны для ряда
соединений, полученных путем сварки взрывом. Исследовались соединения …

The structure of molten zones in explosion welding (aluminium–tantalum, copper–titanium)

BA Grinberg, MS Pushkin, AM Patselov… - Welding …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Investigations were carried out into the relief of the flat-and wave-shaped interfaces for
explosion-welded aluminium–tantalum and copper–titanium welded joints. For these …

Quasi-wave shape of an interface upon explosion welding (copper–tantalum, copper–titanium)

MS Pushkin, AV Inozemtsev, BA Greenberg… - Bulletin of the Russian …, 2016 - Springer
The interface relief of copper–titanium compounds and its evolution upon the intensification
of explosion welding are investigated. Typical structures are revealed: splashes, waves …