Overview of HSS steel grades development and study of reheating condition effects on austenite grain size changes

T Kvackaj, J Bidulská, R Bidulský - Materials, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
This review paper concerns the development of the chemical compositions and controlled
processes of rolling and cooling steels to increase their mechanical properties and reduce …

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Migration of Tilt Grain Boundaries in Ni and Ni3Al

GM Poletaev, IV Zorya, MD Starostenkov… - Journal of Experimental …, 2019‏ - Springer
The migration of the< 100> and< 111> tilt boundaries in Ni and the Ni 3 Al intermetallic
compound is studied by molecular dynamics simulation. The low-angle< 100> boundaries in …

[PDF][PDF] Молекулярно-динамическое исследование миграции границ зерен наклона в Ni и Ni3Al

ГМ Полетаев, ИВ Зоря, МД Старостенков… - Журнал …, 2019‏ - jetp.ras.ru
* E-mail: gmpoletaev@ mail. ru наклона мигрируют посредством комбинированного
действия двух механизмов: скольжения и переползания зернограничных дислокаций …

Molecular dynamics simulation of the influence of a vacancy concentration on the tilt boundary migration velocity in nickel

GM Poletaev, RY Rakitin - Physics of the Solid State, 2021‏ - Springer
The effect of vacancy concentration on the migration velocity of large-angle tilt grain
boundaries with the disorientation axes< 111> and< 100> in nickel is studied by the …

Molecular dynamics study of melting initiation at tilt grain boundaries depending on their misorientation angle in aluminum

G Poletaev, R Rakitin, Y Bebikhov, A Semenov - Physica Scripta, 2024‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Molecular dynamics study of melting initiation at tilt grain boundaries depending on their
misorientation angle in aluminum - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility …

Молекулярно-динамическое исследование влияния концентрации вакансий на скорость миграции границ наклона в никеле

ГМ Полетаев, РЮ Ракитин - Физика твердого тела, 2021‏ - mathnet.ru
Методом молекулярной динамики проведено исследование влияния концентрации
вакансий на скорость миграции большеугловых границ наклона с осями …

[PDF][PDF] Molecular dynamics investigation of grain boundaries tensions in triple junctions in nickel

GM Poletaev, DV Novoselova, VV Kovalenko… - Materials Physics and …, 2018‏ - ipme.ru
In the work, the mutual tension of tilt grain boundaries with disorientation axes< 111> and<
100> in a triple junction on the example of nickel is investigated by the molecular dynamics …

[PDF][PDF] Overview of HSS steel grades development and study of reheating condition fffects on austenite grain size changes. Materials 2021, 14, 1988

T Kvackaj, J Bidulská, R Bidulský - 2021‏ - academia.edu
This review paper concerns the development of the chemical compositions and controlled
processes of rolling and cooling steels to increase their mechanical properties and reduce …

Молекулярно-динамическое исследование условий формирования бездисклинационных тройных стыков границ зерен в металлах

ГМ Полетаев, ДВ Дмитриенко, ВВ Дябденков… - Фундаментальные …, 2013‏ - elibrary.ru
В работе с помощью молекулярно-динамического моделирования изучаются условия
образования бездисклинационных тройных стыков границ зерен. Показано, что …

Determination of the Radius of Triple Junctions of Tilt Boundaries: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation

GM Poletaev, MD Starostenkov, RY Rakitin… - Russian Physics …, 2019‏ - Springer
Using the method of molecular dynamics, an investigation of the free volume and energy
distribution is performed in the region of triple junctions of high-angle tilt boundaries with …