Overview of HSS steel grades development and study of reheating condition effects on austenite grain size changes
This review paper concerns the development of the chemical compositions and controlled
processes of rolling and cooling steels to increase their mechanical properties and reduce …
processes of rolling and cooling steels to increase their mechanical properties and reduce …
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Migration of Tilt Grain Boundaries in Ni and Ni3Al
The migration of the< 100> and< 111> tilt boundaries in Ni and the Ni 3 Al intermetallic
compound is studied by molecular dynamics simulation. The low-angle< 100> boundaries in …
compound is studied by molecular dynamics simulation. The low-angle< 100> boundaries in …
[PDF][PDF] Молекулярно-динамическое исследование миграции границ зерен наклона в Ni и Ni3Al
* E-mail: gmpoletaev@ mail. ru наклона мигрируют посредством комбинированного
действия двух механизмов: скольжения и переползания зернограничных дислокаций …
действия двух механизмов: скольжения и переползания зернограничных дислокаций …
Molecular dynamics simulation of the influence of a vacancy concentration on the tilt boundary migration velocity in nickel
The effect of vacancy concentration on the migration velocity of large-angle tilt grain
boundaries with the disorientation axes< 111> and< 100> in nickel is studied by the …
boundaries with the disorientation axes< 111> and< 100> in nickel is studied by the …
Molecular dynamics study of melting initiation at tilt grain boundaries depending on their misorientation angle in aluminum
Molecular dynamics study of melting initiation at tilt grain boundaries depending on their
misorientation angle in aluminum - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility …
misorientation angle in aluminum - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility …
Молекулярно-динамическое исследование влияния концентрации вакансий на скорость миграции границ наклона в никеле
Методом молекулярной динамики проведено исследование влияния концентрации
вакансий на скорость миграции большеугловых границ наклона с осями …
вакансий на скорость миграции большеугловых границ наклона с осями …
[PDF][PDF] Molecular dynamics investigation of grain boundaries tensions in triple junctions in nickel
In the work, the mutual tension of tilt grain boundaries with disorientation axes< 111> and<
100> in a triple junction on the example of nickel is investigated by the molecular dynamics …
100> in a triple junction on the example of nickel is investigated by the molecular dynamics …
[PDF][PDF] Overview of HSS steel grades development and study of reheating condition fffects on austenite grain size changes. Materials 2021, 14, 1988
T Kvackaj, J Bidulská, R Bidulský - 2021 - academia.edu
This review paper concerns the development of the chemical compositions and controlled
processes of rolling and cooling steels to increase their mechanical properties and reduce …
processes of rolling and cooling steels to increase their mechanical properties and reduce …
Молекулярно-динамическое исследование условий формирования бездисклинационных тройных стыков границ зерен в металлах
В работе с помощью молекулярно-динамического моделирования изучаются условия
образования бездисклинационных тройных стыков границ зерен. Показано, что …
образования бездисклинационных тройных стыков границ зерен. Показано, что …
Determination of the Radius of Triple Junctions of Tilt Boundaries: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Using the method of molecular dynamics, an investigation of the free volume and energy
distribution is performed in the region of triple junctions of high-angle tilt boundaries with …
distribution is performed in the region of triple junctions of high-angle tilt boundaries with …