How to build a magnetometer with thermal atomic vapor: a tutorial

A Fabricant, I Novikova, G Bison - New Journal of Physics, 2023‏ -
This article is designed as a step-by-step guide to optically pumped magnetometers based
on alkali atomic vapor cells. We begin with a general introduction to atomic magneto-optical …

Quantum sensing for particle physics

SD Bass, M Doser - Nature Reviews Physics, 2024‏ -
Quantum sensing uses properties of quantum mechanics to go beyond what is possible with
traditional measurement techniques. In particle physics, key problems in which quantum …

New horizons: Scalar and vector ultralight dark matter

D Antypas, A Banerjee, C Bartram… - ar** to search for exotic spin-dependent interactions
W **ao, M Liu, T Wu, X Peng, H Guo - Physical Review Letters, 2023‏ - APS
Searching for beyond-the-standard-model interactions has been of interest in quantum
sensing. Here, we demonstrate a method, both theoretically and experimentally, to search …

-Symmetric Feedback Induced Linewidth Narrowing

Y Tang, C Liang, X Wen, W Li, AN Xu, YC Liu - Physical Review Letters, 2023‏ - APS
Narrow linewidth is a long-pursued goal in precision measurement and sensing. We
propose a parity-time symmetric (PT-symmetric) feedback method to narrow the linewidths of …

Fiber-Coupled Diamond Magnetometry with an Unshielded Sensitivity of

SM Graham, A Rahman, L Munn, RL Patel… - Physical Review …, 2023‏ - APS
Ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy centers (NVCs) in diamond can be employed for sensitive
magnetometry. In this work, we present a fiber-coupled NVC magnetometer with an …

What can a GNOME do? Search targets for the global network of optical magnetometers for exotic physics searches

S Afach, D Aybas Tumturk, H Bekker… - Annalen der …, 2024‏ - Wiley Online Library
Numerous observations suggest that there exist undiscovered beyond‐the‐standard‐model
particles and fields. Because of their unknown nature, these exotic particles and fields could …