[HTML][HTML] A review on the Pleistocene occurrences and palaeobiology of Hippopotamus antiquus based on the record from the Barranc de la Boella Section (Francolí …
Abstract The study of European Pleistocene Hippopotamus presents unresolved questions
and a lack of consensus among specialists being matter of hotly debate in the last decades …
and a lack of consensus among specialists being matter of hotly debate in the last decades …
Environmental availability, behavioural diversity and diet: a zooarchaeological approach from the TD10-1 sublevel of Gran Dolina (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain …
The suggestion that the Neanderthal linage hominids had predominantly rich diet in meat
derived from large game is progressing towards views which propose a higher nutritional …
derived from large game is progressing towards views which propose a higher nutritional …
Early Levallois core technology between marine isotope stage 12 and 9 in Western Europe
Early Levallois core technology is usually dated in Europe to the end of Marine Isotope
Stage (MIS) 9 and particularly from the beginning of MIS 8 to MIS 6. This technology is …
Stage (MIS) 9 and particularly from the beginning of MIS 8 to MIS 6. This technology is …
Fire for a reason: Barbecue at middle Pleistocene Qesem cave, Israel
Qesem Cave is a Middle Pleistocene site in Israel occupied between 420 and 200 ka.
Excavations have revealed a wealth of innovative behaviors most likely practiced by a new …
Excavations have revealed a wealth of innovative behaviors most likely practiced by a new …
Neanderthal diets in central and southeastern Mediterranean Iberia
During recent decades, Neanderthal diet has been a major research topic in
palaeoanthropology. This has been accelerated by the maturation of different techniques …
palaeoanthropology. This has been accelerated by the maturation of different techniques …
Towards an understanding of hominin marrow extraction strategies: a proposal for a percussion mark terminology
Percussion marks have been studied in the field of archaeology for more than a century.
Researchers have identified, characterized and analysed them in order to distinguish them …
Researchers have identified, characterized and analysed them in order to distinguish them …
The Western European Acheulean: Reading variability at a regional scale
In the context of the Western European Acheulean Project, this study aims to characterize
Acheulean technology in Western Europe through the analysis of handaxes and cleavers …
Acheulean technology in Western Europe through the analysis of handaxes and cleavers …
What happens around a fire: faunal processing sequences and spatial distribution at Qesem Cave (300 ka), Israel
The technological innovation involving the controlled use of fire represents a decisive
change in human subsistence. Hearths and the spatial distribution patterns associated with …
change in human subsistence. Hearths and the spatial distribution patterns associated with …
[HTML][HTML] Human occupation of the North American Colorado Plateau∼ 37,000 years ago
Calibrating human population dispersals across Earth's surface is fundamental to assessing
rates and timing of anthropogenic impacts and distinguishing ecological phenomena …
rates and timing of anthropogenic impacts and distinguishing ecological phenomena …
New insights for understanding spatial patterning and formation processes of the Neanderthal occupation in the Amalda I cave (Gipuzkoa, Spain)
Abstract The Level VII of Amalda I cave (Gipuzkoa, Spain) represents one of the latest
Middle Palaeolithic occupations in the Cantabrian Region. It is characterized by the …
Middle Palaeolithic occupations in the Cantabrian Region. It is characterized by the …