[HTML][HTML] On the left and right almost hyperideals of LA-semihypergroups

S Nawaz, M Gulistan, N Kausar, M Munir - International Journal of Fuzzy …, 2021 - ijfis.org
In this paper, we define left almost hyperideals, right almost hyperideals, almost hyperideals,
and minimal almost hyperideals. We demonstrate that the intersection of almost hyperideals …

Rough Hyperfilters in Po‐LA‐Semihypergroups

F Bouaziz, N Yaqoob - Discrete Dynamics in Nature and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This paper concerns the study of hyperfilters of ordered LA‐semihypergroups, and presents
some examples in this respect. Furthermore, we study the combination of rough set theory …

A study of (α, β)-complex fuzzy hyperideals in non-associative hyperrings

M Gulistan, N Yaqoob, S Nawaz… - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2019 - content.iospress.com
In this paper, we introduce the concept of complex fuzzy left and complex fuzzy right
hyperideals and discuss some basic properties of LA-hyperrings. We also introduce the …

Uni-Soft Structures Applied to Ordered -Semihypergroups

A Khan, M Farooq, N Yaqoob - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2020 - Springer
In this paper, the notions of uni-soft sub Γ Γ-semihypergroups, uni-soft left (resp., right) Γ Γ-
hyperideals and uni-soft interior Γ Γ-hyperideals of ordered Γ Γ-semihypergroups are …

[HTML][HTML] Neutrosophic triplet non-associative semihypergroups with application

M Gulistan, S Nawaz, N Hassan - Symmetry, 2018 - mdpi.com
In this paper, we extended the idea of a neutrosophic triplet set to non-associative
semihypergroups and define neutrosophic triplet LA-semihypergroup. We discuss some …

On (m, n)-ideals of left almost semigroups

W Khan, F Yousafzai, M Khan - European Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2016 - ejpam.com
In this paper, we study (m, n)-ideals of an LA-semigroup in detail. We charactrize (0, 2)-
ideals of an LA-semigroup S and prove that A is a (0, 2)-ideal of S if and only if A is a left …

On (∈, ∈∨qk)‐Fuzzy Hyperideals in Ordered LA‐Semihypergroups

M Azhar, N Yaqoob, M Gulistan… - Discrete Dynamics in …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The concept of (∈,∈∨ qk)‐fuzzy hyperideal of an ordered LA‐semihypergroup is
introduced by the ordered fuzzy points, and related properties are investigated. We study the …

[PDF][PDF] On fuzzy ordered LA-semihypergroups

M Azar, M Gulistan, N Yaqoob, S Kadry - International Journal of …, 2018 - etamaths.com

[PDF][PDF] Application of (m, n)-Г-Hyperideals in Characterization of LA-Г-Semihypergroups

A Basar - Discussiones Mathematicae-General Algebra and …, 2019 - bibliotekanauki.pl
In this paper, we study the concept of ordered (m, n)-Г-hyperideals in an ordered LA-Г-
semihypergroup. We show that if (S, Г,◦,⩽) is a unitary ordered LA-Г-semihypergroup with …

[PDF][PDF] Hyperideals and hypersystems in LA-hyperrings.

I Rehman, N Yaqoob, S Nawaz - Songklanakarin Journal of Science …, 2017 - thaiscience.info
Hyperideals and hypersystems in LA-hyperrings Page 1 Original Article Hyperideals and
hypersystems in LA-hyperrings Inayatur Rehman1, Naveed Yaqoob2*, and Shah Nawaz3 1 …