A review on the Comsol Multiphysics studies of heat transfer in advanced ceramics
Numerical simulation is a powerful tool to predict the physical behavior of the designed
devices. This method provides detailed information about the investigated phenomenon at …
devices. This method provides detailed information about the investigated phenomenon at …
Microstructure and mechanical properties of carbide reinforced TiC-based ultra-high temperature ceramics: A Review
H Mao, F Shen, Y Zhang, J Wang, K Cui, H Wang, T Lv… - Coatings, 2021 - mdpi.com
TiC ceramics have become one of the most potential ultra-high temperature structural
materials, because of its high melting point, low density, and low price. However, the poor …
materials, because of its high melting point, low density, and low price. However, the poor …
Laser-beam powder bed fusion followed by annealing with stress: A promising route for magnetostrictive improvement of polycrystalline Fe81Ga19 alloys
Fe-Ga alloys are regarded as promising new magnetostrictive materials owing to their
excellent magnetic and mechanical properties. However, the currently developed …
excellent magnetic and mechanical properties. However, the currently developed …
Effects of graphite nano-flakes on thermal and microstructural properties of TiB2–SiC composites
In the last decades, the production of ultra-high temperature composites with improved
thermo-mechanical properties has attracted much attention. This study focuses on the effect …
thermo-mechanical properties has attracted much attention. This study focuses on the effect …
On the simulation of spark plasma sintered TiB2 ultra high temperature ceramics: A numerical approach
Spark plasma sintering is a novel sintering technique in the manufacturing of ultra high
temperature ceramics. Temperature distribution during the sintering process controls …
temperature ceramics. Temperature distribution during the sintering process controls …
Heat transfer and flow characteristics of hybrid Al2O3/TiO2–water nanofluid in a minichannel heat sink
Heat transfer enhancement in thermal systems has great importance in achieving better
performances at decreased spaces. In the present work, by combining two passive …
performances at decreased spaces. In the present work, by combining two passive …
Role of graphene nano-platelets on thermal conductivity and microstructure of TiB2–SiC ceramics
The current research investigates the influence of adding 2 wt% graphene nano-platelets
(GNP) on microstructure and thermal conductivity of the TiB 2–25 vol% SiC composite. The …
(GNP) on microstructure and thermal conductivity of the TiB 2–25 vol% SiC composite. The …
Thermal transport analysis of six circular microchannel heat sink using nanofluid
Electronics devices growth in the last decade of the twentieth century ushered in a revolution
inside the electronics segment. Continuous micro-sizes and operation cause these devices …
inside the electronics segment. Continuous micro-sizes and operation cause these devices …
Role of co-addition of BN and SiC on microstructure of TiB2-based composites densified by SPS method
The present research aims to investigate the influences of SiC reinforcement and h-BN
additive on the relative density, microstructure, and thermodynamic aspects of TiB 2-based …
additive on the relative density, microstructure, and thermodynamic aspects of TiB 2-based …
Effects of SiC content on thermal shock behavior and elastic modulus of cordierite–mullite composites
Abstract Cordierite (Mg 2 Al 4 Si 5 O 18) is a commercially available ceramic with low
fracture toughness that hampers its broad industrial applications. Although several studies …
fracture toughness that hampers its broad industrial applications. Although several studies …