When children die: Improving palliative and end-of-life care for children and their families
RE Behrman, MJ Field - 2003 - books.google.com
The death of a child is a special sorrow. No matter the circumstances, a child's death is a life-
altering experience. Except for the child who dies suddenly and without forewarning …
altering experience. Except for the child who dies suddenly and without forewarning …
Hospital discharge planning for frail older people and their family. Are we delivering best practice? A review of the evidence
Aims and objectives. This paper examined the available evidence concerning hospital
discharge practices for frail older people and their family caregivers and what practices were …
discharge practices for frail older people and their family caregivers and what practices were …
Psychometric properties of the readiness for hospital discharge scale
ME Weiss, LB Piacentine - Journal of nursing …, 2006 - connect.springerpub.com
The purpose of the study was to assess the psychometrics properties of the Readiness for
Hospital Discharge Scale (RHDS), a 23-item instrument that measures patients' perception …
Hospital Discharge Scale (RHDS), a 23-item instrument that measures patients' perception …
[КНИГА][B] Potilasohjauksen laatu: hypoteettisen mallin kehittäminen
M Kääriäinen - 2007 - oulurepo.oulu.fi
Tiivistelmä Tutkimus oli kaksivaiheinen. Ensimmäisen vaiheen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla ja
selittää ohjauksen laatua potilaiden ja hoitohenkilöstön arvioimana. Tutkimuksen toisen …
selittää ohjauksen laatua potilaiden ja hoitohenkilöstön arvioimana. Tutkimuksen toisen …
Interventions aimed at reducing problems in adult patients discharged from hospital to home: a systematic meta-review
P Mistiaen, AL Francke, E Poot - BMC health services research, 2007 - Springer
Background Many patients encounter a variety of problems after discharge from hospital and
many discharge (planning and support) interventions have been developed and studied …
many discharge (planning and support) interventions have been developed and studied …
Quality and cost analysis of nurse staffing, discharge preparation, and postdischarge utilization
ME Weiss, O Yakusheva, KL Bobay - Health services research, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives. To determine the impact of unit‐level nurse staffing on quality of discharge
teaching, patient perception of discharge readiness, and postdischarge readmission and …
teaching, patient perception of discharge readiness, and postdischarge readmission and …
Components of a proper hospital discharge for elders
MJ Bull, J Roberts - Journal of advanced nursing, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Components of a proper hospital discharge for elders Significance. Effective discharge
planning is a vital link in continuity of care for elders. Previous studies identify problems with …
planning is a vital link in continuity of care for elders. Previous studies identify problems with …
Barriers to effective discharge planning: a qualitative study investigating the perspectives of frontline healthcare professionals
ELY Wong, CHK Yam, AWL Cheung… - BMC health services …, 2011 - Springer
Background Studies have shown that effective discharge planning is one of the key factors
related to the quality of inpatient care and unnecessary hospital readmission. The …
related to the quality of inpatient care and unnecessary hospital readmission. The …
[КНИГА][B] Communication skills for nursing practice
Nurses need highly developed skills in order to communicate sensitively and collaboratively,
across a wide range of media, with patients, clients, and colleagues from a variety of …
across a wide range of media, with patients, clients, and colleagues from a variety of …
Postoperative patient education: a systematic review
Introduction: Knowledge of the effects of the specific approach, mode of delivery, and dose
of educational interventions is essential to develop and implement effective postoperative …
of educational interventions is essential to develop and implement effective postoperative …