[KNYGA][B] The geospatial web: how geobrowsers, social software and the Web 2.0 are sha** the network society
A Scharl, K Tochtermann - 2009 - books.google.com
The most important attribute of geospatial platforms is their unique potential to aggregate a
multitude of public and private geographic data sets, providing access to data from …
multitude of public and private geographic data sets, providing access to data from …
The European geoportal––one step towards the establishment of a European Spatial Data Infrastructure
L Bernard, I Kanellopoulos, A Annoni… - … , environment and urban …, 2005 - Elsevier
The European Geoportal has been identified as one of the building blocks of a European
Spatial Data Infrastructure (ESDI). The vision of the EU Geoportal is to allow users to …
Spatial Data Infrastructure (ESDI). The vision of the EU Geoportal is to allow users to …
Ontology-based discovery of geographic information services—An application in disaster management
E Klien, M Lutz, W Kuhn - Computers, environment and urban systems, 2006 - Elsevier
Finding suitable information in the open and distributed environment of current geographic
information web services is a crucial task. Service brokers (or catalogue services) provide …
information web services is a crucial task. Service brokers (or catalogue services) provide …
Geographic ontology for major disasters: Methodology and implementation
H Bouyerbou, K Bechkoum, R Lepage - International journal of disaster risk …, 2019 - Elsevier
During a catastrophic event, the International Charter 1" Space and Major Disasters" is
regularly activated and provides the rescue teams damage maps prepared by a photo …
regularly activated and provides the rescue teams damage maps prepared by a photo …
OGC web processing service interface for web service orchestration aggregating geo-processing services in a bomb threat scenario
B Stollberg, A Zipf - Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems …, 2007 - Springer
The aggregation of web services in order to achieve a common goal is a basic concept in
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). This paper demonstrates OGC Web Services (OWS) …
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). This paper demonstrates OGC Web Services (OWS) …
Semantic-based web service discovery and chaining for building an Arctic spatial data infrastructure
Increasing interests in a global environment and climate change have led to studies focused
on the changes in the multinational Arctic region. To facilitate Arctic research, a spatial data …
on the changes in the multinational Arctic region. To facilitate Arctic research, a spatial data …
Towards a semantics-based approach in the development of geographic portals
As the demand for geospatial data increases, the lack of efficient ways to find suitable
information becomes critical. In this paper, a new methodology for knowledge discovery in …
information becomes critical. In this paper, a new methodology for knowledge discovery in …
Intelligent polar cyberinfrastructure: enabling semantic search in geospatial metadata catalogue to support polar data discovery
Polar regions have garnered substantial research attention in recent years because they are
key drivers of the Earth's climate, a source of rich mineral resources, and the home of a …
key drivers of the Earth's climate, a source of rich mineral resources, and the home of a …
Improving data management and dissemination in web based information systems by semantic enrichment of descriptive data aspects
S Gebhardt, T Wehrmann, V Klinger, I Schettler… - Computers & …, 2010 - Elsevier
The German–Vietnamese water-related information system for the Mekong Delta (WISDOM)
project supports business processes in Integrated Water Resources Management in …
project supports business processes in Integrated Water Resources Management in …
Ontology for real estate cadastre
Standardisation efforts in the geospatial domain, provided by ISO TC 211 and OpenGIS
Consortium, have brought many specifications and standards that define structure and …
Consortium, have brought many specifications and standards that define structure and …