[KNYGA][B] The geospatial web: how geobrowsers, social software and the Web 2.0 are sha** the network society

A Scharl, K Tochtermann - 2009 - books.google.com
The most important attribute of geospatial platforms is their unique potential to aggregate a
multitude of public and private geographic data sets, providing access to data from …

The European geoportal––one step towards the establishment of a European Spatial Data Infrastructure

L Bernard, I Kanellopoulos, A Annoni… - … , environment and urban …, 2005 - Elsevier
The European Geoportal has been identified as one of the building blocks of a European
Spatial Data Infrastructure (ESDI). The vision of the EU Geoportal is to allow users to …

Ontology-based discovery of geographic information services—An application in disaster management

E Klien, M Lutz, W Kuhn - Computers, environment and urban systems, 2006 - Elsevier
Finding suitable information in the open and distributed environment of current geographic
information web services is a crucial task. Service brokers (or catalogue services) provide …

Geographic ontology for major disasters: Methodology and implementation

H Bouyerbou, K Bechkoum, R Lepage - International journal of disaster risk …, 2019 - Elsevier
During a catastrophic event, the International Charter 1" Space and Major Disasters" is
regularly activated and provides the rescue teams damage maps prepared by a photo …

OGC web processing service interface for web service orchestration aggregating geo-processing services in a bomb threat scenario

B Stollberg, A Zipf - Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems …, 2007 - Springer
The aggregation of web services in order to achieve a common goal is a basic concept in
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). This paper demonstrates OGC Web Services (OWS) …

Semantic-based web service discovery and chaining for building an Arctic spatial data infrastructure

W Li, C Yang, D Nebert, R Raskin, P Houser… - Computers & …, 2011 - Elsevier
Increasing interests in a global environment and climate change have led to studies focused
on the changes in the multinational Arctic region. To facilitate Arctic research, a spatial data …

Towards a semantics-based approach in the development of geographic portals

N Athanasis, K Kalabokidis, M Vaitis… - Computers & …, 2009 - Elsevier
As the demand for geospatial data increases, the lack of efficient ways to find suitable
information becomes critical. In this paper, a new methodology for knowledge discovery in …

Intelligent polar cyberinfrastructure: enabling semantic search in geospatial metadata catalogue to support polar data discovery

W Li, V Bhatia, K Cao - Earth Science Informatics, 2015 - Springer
Polar regions have garnered substantial research attention in recent years because they are
key drivers of the Earth's climate, a source of rich mineral resources, and the home of a …

Improving data management and dissemination in web based information systems by semantic enrichment of descriptive data aspects

S Gebhardt, T Wehrmann, V Klinger, I Schettler… - Computers & …, 2010 - Elsevier
The German–Vietnamese water-related information system for the Mekong Delta (WISDOM)
project supports business processes in Integrated Water Resources Management in …

Ontology for real estate cadastre

D Sladić, M Govedarica, D Pržulj, A Radulović… - Survey …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Standardisation efforts in the geospatial domain, provided by ISO TC 211 and OpenGIS
Consortium, have brought many specifications and standards that define structure and …