Building IoT-based applications for smart cities: How can ontology catalogs help?
The Internet of Things (IoT) plays an ever-increasing role in enabling smart city applications.
An ontology-based semantic approach can help improve interoperability between a variety …
An ontology-based semantic approach can help improve interoperability between a variety …
Social media based transportation research: The state of the work and the networking
Recently, there has been an increased interest in the use of social media data as important
traffic information sources. In this paper, we review social media based transportation …
traffic information sources. In this paper, we review social media based transportation …
Toward improving electrocardiogram (ECG) biometric verification using mobile sensors: A two-stage classifier approach
R Tan, M Perkowski - Sensors, 2017 - mdpi.com
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals sensed from mobile devices pertain the potential for
biometric identity recognition applicable in remote access control systems where enhanced …
biometric identity recognition applicable in remote access control systems where enhanced …
Automatic knowledge extraction to build semantic web of things applications
The Internet of Things (IoT) primary objective is to make a hyper-connected world for various
application domains. However, IoT suffers from a lack of interoperability leading to a …
application domains. However, IoT suffers from a lack of interoperability leading to a …
A unified semantic engine for internet of things and smart cities: From sensor data to end-users applications
Smart cities are becoming more and more popular. Currently, there is no unified and
interoperable system which could be reused and redeployed in future smart cities. Having …
interoperable system which could be reused and redeployed in future smart cities. Having …
Towards a semantic web of things: a hybrid semantic annotation, extraction, and reasoning framework for cyber-physical system
Web of Things (WoT) facilitates the discovery and interoperability of Internet of Things (IoT)
devices in a cyber-physical system (CPS). Moreover, a uniform knowledge representation of …
devices in a cyber-physical system (CPS). Moreover, a uniform knowledge representation of …
Query interface for smart city internet of things data marketplaces: a case study
Cities are increasingly becoming augmented with sensors through public, private, and
academic sector initiatives. Most of the time, these sensors are deployed with a primary …
academic sector initiatives. Most of the time, these sensors are deployed with a primary …
Producing linked data for smart cities: The case of Catania
Semantic Web technologies and in particular Linked Open Data provide a means for sharing
knowledge about cities as physical, social, and technical systems, so enabling the …
knowledge about cities as physical, social, and technical systems, so enabling the …
Framework for fusing traffic information from social and physical transportation data
Tremendous volumes of messages on social media platforms provide supplementary traffic
information and encapsulate crowd wisdom for solving transportation problems. However …
information and encapsulate crowd wisdom for solving transportation problems. However …
An ontological approach for pathology assessment and diagnosis of tunnels
Tunnel maintenance requires complex decision making, which involves pathology diagnosis
and risk assessment, to ensure full safety while optimising maintenance and repair costs. A …
and risk assessment, to ensure full safety while optimising maintenance and repair costs. A …