The vulnerable Colombian weasel Mustela felipei (Carnivora): new record from Colombia and a review of its distribution in protected areas
The Colombian weasel Mustela felipei is considered the rarest Neotropical carnivore only
known from four localities in Colombia and one in Ecuador. It is considered Vulnerable on …
known from four localities in Colombia and one in Ecuador. It is considered Vulnerable on …
[HTML][HTML] Estado del conocimiento y prioridades de investigación sobre las familias Canidae, Mephitidae y Procyonidae (Mammalia: Carnivora) en Colombia
A pesar de la gran diversidad de ecosistemas que habitan y de su importancia económica
‚ecológica y cultural ‚la información sobre las especies del orden Carnivora es escasa en …
‚ecológica y cultural ‚la información sobre las especies del orden Carnivora es escasa en …
Distribution of the northern pampas cat, Leopardus garleppi, in northern South America, confirmation of its presence in Colombia and genetic analysis of a …
JM Astorquiza, EA Noguera-Urbano, C Cabrera-Ojeda… - Mammalia, 2023 - degruyter.com
The common name of pampas cat includes a complex of small Neotropical felid species
found in various habitats of South America. Recently several species of this complex were …
found in various habitats of South America. Recently several species of this complex were …
Connectivity conservation at the crossroads: protected areas versus payments for ecosystem services in conserving connectivity for Colombian carnivores
DA Zárrate Charry… - Royal Society …, 2022 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Protected areas (PAs) constitute one of the main tools for global landscape conservation.
Recently, payments for environmental services (PES) have attracted interest from national …
Recently, payments for environmental services (PES) have attracted interest from national …
Food habits of the Cougar Puma concolor (Carnivora: Felidae) in the Central Andes of the Colombian Coffee Region
DCM Castillo, PP Arbeláez… - Papéis Avulsos de …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
The feeding habits of the cougar have been scarcely studied in Colombia, despite its
importance in the ecosystems it inhabits. In this study, we analysed the diet of the cougar …
importance in the ecosystems it inhabits. In this study, we analysed the diet of the cougar …
[PDF][PDF] New records of mammals of the Coffee Region, Central Andes of Colombia using citizen science
S Terán-Sánchez, A Díaz-Arango… - Neotropical Biology …, 2021 - neotropical.pensoft.net
The Coffee Region of Colombia is one of the most representative areas of the country due to
its cultural appeal. 200 of the 528 mammal species in the country occur in this region. Pre …
its cultural appeal. 200 of the 528 mammal species in the country occur in this region. Pre …
[HTML][HTML] Mammals of the natural national park Selva de Florencia, Caldas, Colombia
The Department of Caldas, Central Andes of Colombia, has two National Natural Parks
protecting strategic Andean ecosystems. However, the available information on mammals in …
protecting strategic Andean ecosystems. However, the available information on mammals in …
Structural differences in mammal assemblages between savanna ecosystems of the Colombian Llanos
Abstract The Colombian Orinoquia region is characterized by a high diversity of mammals,
which is associated with complex ecosystems that include large extensions of Neotropical …
which is associated with complex ecosystems that include large extensions of Neotropical …
Diagnóstico sobre el tráfico de fauna silvestre en el departamento de Norte de Santander, Colombia
CHC Martínez, MP Villamizar… - Revista Biodiversidad …, 2017 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Objetivo: Documentar la problemática y el estado actual del trá co ilegal de fauna silvestre y
sus implicaciones en la conservación de la biodiversidad en la región nororiental de …
sus implicaciones en la conservación de la biodiversidad en la región nororiental de …
Forest fragmentation erodes mammalian species richness and functional diversity in a human-dominated landscape in Colombia
FL Meza-Joya, E Ramos… - Mastozoología neotropical, 2020 - SciELO Argentina
Tropical moist forests are complex and diverse ecosystems threatened by human-induced
disturbance. Despite recent advances in the study of the impact of land-use change on …
disturbance. Despite recent advances in the study of the impact of land-use change on …