[HTML][HTML] Human-mediated impacts on biodiversity and the consequences for zoonotic disease spillover
Human-mediated changes to natural ecosystems have consequences for both ecosystem
and human health. Historically, efforts to preserve or restore 'biodiversity'can seem to be in …
and human health. Historically, efforts to preserve or restore 'biodiversity'can seem to be in …
[HTML][HTML] Temporal and geographical research trends of antimicrobial resistance in wildlife-A bibliometric analysis
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a complex and global problem. Despite the growing
literature on AMR in the medical and veterinary settings, there is still a lack of knowledge on …
literature on AMR in the medical and veterinary settings, there is still a lack of knowledge on …
[HTML][HTML] Nationwide assessment of water quality in rivers across Lebanon by quantifying fecal indicators densities and profiling antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli
The use of contaminated water has been associated with severe disease outbreaks. Due to
widespread pollution with untreated sewage, concerns have been raised over water quality …
widespread pollution with untreated sewage, concerns have been raised over water quality …
Groundwater resources as a global reservoir for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria
Antimicrobial resistance represents one of our most significant global health threats, with
increasing incidences noted in both clinical and environmental settings. As such, identifying …
increasing incidences noted in both clinical and environmental settings. As such, identifying …
[HTML][HTML] Linking antibiotic resistance gene patterns with advanced faecal pollution assessment and environmental key parameters along 2300 km of the Danube River
I Schachner-Groehs, M Koller, M Leopold, C Kolm… - Water Research, 2024 - Elsevier
The global spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the environment is a growing health
threat. Large rivers are of particular concern as they are highly impacted by wastewater …
threat. Large rivers are of particular concern as they are highly impacted by wastewater …
Distribution of Antibiotic-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Pathogens in Potable Spring Water of Eastern Indian Himalayas: Emphasis on Virulence Gene and Antibiotic Resistance …
Every year millions of people die due to fatal waterborne diseases around the world
especially in develo** countries like India. Sikkim, a northeastern state of India, greatly …
especially in develo** countries like India. Sikkim, a northeastern state of India, greatly …
Distinct climatic regions drive antibiotic resistance genes dynamics across public parks and pristine soil ecosystems
To address the global concern of antibiotic resistance, a one-health concept is considered
necessary that recognizes the interdependency between humans, animals and the …
necessary that recognizes the interdependency between humans, animals and the …
Assessing visitor use impact on antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in soil and water environments of Rocky Mountain National Park
Antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been
detected in soil and water in close proximity to anthropogenic sources, but the extent to …
detected in soil and water in close proximity to anthropogenic sources, but the extent to …
The antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from private groundwater wells in the Republic of Ireland
The role of the natural environment in the dissemination of antimicrobial resistant bacteria
has been increasingly recognised in the literature. However, knowledge surrounding the …
has been increasingly recognised in the literature. However, knowledge surrounding the …
Comparison of environmental microbiomes in an antibiotic resistance-polluted urban river highlights periphyton and fish gut communities as reservoirs of concern
Natural waterways near urban areas are heavily impacted by anthropogenic activities,
including their microbial communities. A contaminant of growing public health concern in …
including their microbial communities. A contaminant of growing public health concern in …