A modern primer on processing in memory
Modern computing systems are overwhelmingly designed to move data to computation. This
design choice goes directly against at least three key trends in computing that cause …
design choice goes directly against at least three key trends in computing that cause …
Processing data where it makes sense: Enabling in-memory computation
Today's systems are overwhelmingly designed to move data to computation. This design
choice goes directly against at least three key trends in systems that cause performance …
choice goes directly against at least three key trends in systems that cause performance …
Blockhammer: Preventing rowhammer at low cost by blacklisting rapidly-accessed dram rows
Aggressive memory density scaling causes modern DRAM devices to suffer from
RowHammer, a phenomenon where rapidly activating (ie, hammering) a DRAM row can …
RowHammer, a phenomenon where rapidly activating (ie, hammering) a DRAM row can …
DAMOV: A new methodology and benchmark suite for evaluating data movement bottlenecks
Data movement between the CPU and main memory is a first-order obstacle against improv
ing performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems …
ing performance, scalability, and energy efficiency in modern systems. Computer systems …
Low-cost inter-linked subarrays (LISA): Enabling fast inter-subarray data movement in DRAM
This paper introduces a new DRAM design that enables fast and energy-efficient bulk data
movement across subarrays in a DRAM chip. While bulk data movement is a key operation …
movement across subarrays in a DRAM chip. While bulk data movement is a key operation …
{MQSim}: A framework for enabling realistic studies of modern {Multi-Queue}{SSD} devices
Solid-state drives (SSDs) are used in a wide array of computer systems today, including in
datacenters and enterprise servers. As the I/O demands of these systems have increased …
datacenters and enterprise servers. As the I/O demands of these systems have increased …
Scheduling techniques for GPU architectures with processing-in-memory capabilities
Processing data in or near memory (PIM), as opposed to in conventional computational units
in a processor, can greatly alleviate the performance and energy penalties of data transfers …
in a processor, can greatly alleviate the performance and energy penalties of data transfers …
The DRAM latency PUF: Quickly evaluating physical unclonable functions by exploiting the latency-reliability tradeoff in modern commodity DRAM devices
Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are commonly used in cryptography to identify
devices based on the uniqueness of their physical microstructures. DRAM-based PUFs have …
devices based on the uniqueness of their physical microstructures. DRAM-based PUFs have …
Understanding reduced-voltage operation in modern DRAM devices: Experimental characterization, analysis, and mechanisms
The energy consumption of DRAM is a critical concern in modern computing systems.
Improvements in manufacturing process technology have allowed DRAM vendors to lower …
Improvements in manufacturing process technology have allowed DRAM vendors to lower …
Are we susceptible to rowhammer? an end-to-end methodology for cloud providers
Cloud providers are concerned that Rowhammer poses a potentially critical threat to their
servers, yet today they lack a systematic way to test whether the DRAM used in their servers …
servers, yet today they lack a systematic way to test whether the DRAM used in their servers …