Trends and prospects of 2-D tungsten disulphide (WS2) hybrid nanosystems for environmental and biomedical applications
Recently, 2D layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) with their ultrathin sheet
nanostructure and diversified electronic structure have drawn attention for various advanced …
nanostructure and diversified electronic structure have drawn attention for various advanced …
From Bulk Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) to Suspensions of Exfoliated MoS2 in an Aqueous Medium and Their Applications
Two-dimensional (2D) layered materials like graphene, transition-metal dichalcogenides
(TMDs), boron nitrides, etc., exhibit unique and fascinating properties, such as high surface …
(TMDs), boron nitrides, etc., exhibit unique and fascinating properties, such as high surface …
Large Spin-Orbit Splitting of Deep In-Gap Defect States of Engineered Sulfur Vacancies in Monolayer
Structural defects in 2D materials offer an effective way to engineer new material
functionalities beyond conventional do**. We report on the direct experimental correlation …
functionalities beyond conventional do**. We report on the direct experimental correlation …
Observation of exciton-phonon coupling in monolayers
We study experimentally and theoretically the exciton-phonon interaction in MoSe 2
monolayers encapsulated in hexagonal BN, which has an important impact on both optical …
monolayers encapsulated in hexagonal BN, which has an important impact on both optical …
Exciton States in Monolayer and Probed by Upconversion Spectroscopy
Transitions metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are direct gap semiconductors in the monolayer
(ML) limit with fascinating optical and spin-valley properties. The strong optical absorption of …
(ML) limit with fascinating optical and spin-valley properties. The strong optical absorption of …
Manipulating Trion and Biexciton Emissions in Monolayer WS2 by Sandwiching with Ultrathin ZnO Layers for Excitonic Light Emission Applications
Two-dimensional (2D) layered materials provide an ideal platform for visualizing several
quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum confinement, within a sheet of …
quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum confinement, within a sheet of …
The optical response of monolayer, few-layer and bulk tungsten disulfide
We present a comprehensive optical study of thin flakes of tungsten disulfide (WS2) with
thickness ranging from mono-to octalayer and in the bulk limit. It is shown that the optical …
thickness ranging from mono-to octalayer and in the bulk limit. It is shown that the optical …
WS2 Monolayer for Piezo–Phototronic Dye Degradation and Bacterial Disinfection
Two-dimensional nanomaterials prosperous with a direct band gap, high mobility, and
superior mechanical properties are an excellent choice for probing the effect of piezoelectric …
superior mechanical properties are an excellent choice for probing the effect of piezoelectric …
Asymmetric contact-induced selective do** of CVD-grown bilayer WS 2 and its application in high-performance photodetection with an ultralow dark current
Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are excellent candidates for
high-performance optoelectronics due to their high carrier mobility, air stability and strong …
high-performance optoelectronics due to their high carrier mobility, air stability and strong …
Singlet and triplet trions in WS2 monolayer encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride
Embedding a WS 2 monolayer in flakes of hexagonal boron nitride allowed us to resolve
and study the photoluminescence response due to both singlet and triplet states of …
and study the photoluminescence response due to both singlet and triplet states of …