Quantum computing for smart grid applications
Computational complexities in modern power systems are reportedly increasing daily, and it
is anticipated that traditional computers might be inadequate to provide the computation …
is anticipated that traditional computers might be inadequate to provide the computation …
Quantum computing in power systems
Electric power systems provide the backbone of modern industrial societies. Enabling
scalable grid analytics is the keystone to successfully operating large transmission and …
scalable grid analytics is the keystone to successfully operating large transmission and …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum key distribution networks: challenges and future research issues in security
A quantum key distribution (QKD) network is proposed to allow QKD protocols to be the
infrastructure of the Internet for distributing unconditional security keys instead of existing …
infrastructure of the Internet for distributing unconditional security keys instead of existing …
Quantum computing for power systems: Tutorial, review, challenges, and prospects
H Liu, W Tang - Electric Power Systems Research, 2023 - Elsevier
As a large number of renewable energy resources are connected to power systems, the
operation, planning, and optimization of power systems have been becoming more and …
operation, planning, and optimization of power systems have been becoming more and …
Quantum networks for resilient power grids: Theory and simulated evaluation
Quantum networks are considered to be the future of secure communication in the coming
quantum era. However, significant efforts are lacking on develo** practical quantum …
quantum era. However, significant efforts are lacking on develo** practical quantum …
AI-enabled traveling wave protection for microgrids
Grid forming inverters provide voltage and frequency regulations for microgrids; in the
meantime, new challenges are introduced for microgrid protections. For instance, inverters' …
meantime, new challenges are introduced for microgrid protections. For instance, inverters' …
[HTML][HTML] A hybrid encryption scheme for quantum secure video conferencing combined with blockchain
D Zhu, J Zheng, H Zhou, J Wu, N Li, L Song - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Traditional video conference systems depend largely on computational complexity to ensure
system security, but with the development of high-performance computers, the existing …
system security, but with the development of high-performance computers, the existing …
A quantum leap in microgrids security: The prospects of quantum-secure microgrids
Communication has always played a vital role in microgrids to maintain reliable operations
and achieve great benefits and will be even more critical with the increasing deployment of …
and achieve great benefits and will be even more critical with the increasing deployment of …
Quantum internet for resilient electric grids
The supremacy and fast development of quantum techniques are stimulating the arrival of
an ultra‐secure and super‐fast quantum internet, which accordingly will shape future electric …
an ultra‐secure and super‐fast quantum internet, which accordingly will shape future electric …
Quantum Cryptography for Future Networks Security: A Systematic Review
Quantum Cryptography (QC) revolutionizes network communication–harnessing principles
of quantum mechanics to enable the exchange of encrypted messages–for enabling secure …
of quantum mechanics to enable the exchange of encrypted messages–for enabling secure …