[HTML][HTML] The Role of Urban Design in Creating Resilient Public Open Spaces Surrounding Urban Small Watercourses: A Case Study of the Kumodraz Stream in …

V Sretovic Brkovic, A Djukic - Sustainability, 2024 - mdpi.com
Small urban watercourses, often neglected and underdeveloped, have the potential to
become integrated parts of the network of urban open public spaces. In this process, urban …

Post⁃ evaluation of urban river open space landscape restoration: a case study of the eastern part of the Inner Qinhuai River in Nan**g

J CAO, J Wang, X WU, C DING, W Wang… - Journal of Nan**g …, 2020 - nldxb.njfu.edu.cn
The aim of this study was to clarify the key direction of urban river rehabilitation by
evaluating the applicability of various indicators in the eastern section of the Inner Qinhuai …


曹加杰, 王杰, 吴向崇, 丁昌辉, 王伟希… - 南京林业大学学报 (自然 …, 2020 - nldxb.njfu.edu.cn
城市河道开放空间景观修复后评价研究——以南京内秦淮河东段为例 国家林草科技领军期刊 **
精品科技期刊 **高校百佳科技期刊 江苏省新闻出版政府奖期刊奖 RCCSE林学权威期刊(A+) …

One Garden to Rule Them All? Exploring Recent Changes in Spain's Urban Riverscapes

A Santasusagna Riu - Urban and Metropolitan Rivers: Geomorphology …, 2024 - Springer
Recent transformations of urban rivers have opened the door to the implementation of urban
policies that seek to prioritize uses of sociability for a city's residents. Large river parks …

Water Sensitive Urban Design: A Transformative Approach as Part of the Urban Form

T Sözer - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Water is life, and life on earth depends on water or suffers from lack of it. Although it is not a
new phenomenon, water issues are still critical socially, economically, and environmentally …

La restauration des cours d'eau urbains: regard critique d'un «modèle en circulation»: le cas du projet urbain des Vallées de la vie à Istanbul

J Gaillet - 2023 - papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca
La restauration écologique des cours d'eau en milieu urbain est pratiquée dans le monde
entier (Morandi et al., 2021). Dans les milieux scientifiques et politiques, elle est présentée …

[PDF][PDF] 绿色基础设施视角下城市河道生态修复理论与实践———以西雅图为例

**雅 - 国际城市规划, 2018 - files.in5.cn
城市化导致城市河道渠化和生态退化. 通过生态修复重建城市河道的自然动态过程,
有助于提升河道生态系统功能, 促进城市流域健康. 本文概述城市河道修复的内涵和方法; …

Identificación y análisis de instruments de planeación y gestión territorial y paisajística para promover la conectividad del paisaje urbano y la conservación de la …

L da Silva Rudolpho, AG Santiago… - Revista Catalana de Dret …, 2021 - raco.cat
La conectividad desempeña un papel esencial en el paisaje, facilitando el movimiento de
organismos, el intercambio genético y otros flujos ecológicos que son fundamentales para …


WIG Aponte, L da Silva Rudolpho - Direito da Cidade, 2020 - go.gale.com
The transformations that contemporary societies are going through bring with them the need
to build a more sustainable future. In view of this purpose, green infrastructure represents an …