Chaparral shrub hydraulic traits, size, and life history types relate to species mortality during California's historic drought of 2014
Chaparral is the most abundant vegetation type in California and current climate change
models predict more frequent and severe droughts that could impact plant community …
models predict more frequent and severe droughts that could impact plant community …
Disturbance and recovery of physical elements of habitat in relation to post-wildfire channel sedimentation, southern California Transverse Ranges
JL Florsheim, A Chin - 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Sedimentation after wildfire is a profound disturbance to the biogeomorphic character of
fluvial systems. Despite this significant alteration, field data focusing on the geomorphic …
fluvial systems. Despite this significant alteration, field data focusing on the geomorphic …
An individual-based model of chaparral vegetation response to frequent wildfires
TA Lucas, RA Doña, W Jiang, GC Johns, DJ Mann… - Theoretical …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The Santa Monica Mountains are home to many species of chaparral shrubs that
provide vegetative cover and whose deep roots contribute to the stability of the steep slopes …
provide vegetative cover and whose deep roots contribute to the stability of the steep slopes …
[PDF][PDF] Determinants of post-fire vegetation recovery in the Santa Monica Mountains, southern California
D Levin, J Dmochowski, Y Bordeaux - Applied Geosciences, 2020 - researchgate.net
Fire occupies a specific niche among natural disturbances. It can be necessary and
beneficial to an ecosystem, as well as disruptive and destructive to that ecosystem and the …
beneficial to an ecosystem, as well as disruptive and destructive to that ecosystem and the …
[PDF][PDF] Vegetation Recovery after Wildfire in the Santa Monica Mountains: A Remote Sensing Analysis
D Levin - 2019 - researchgate.net
Angeles. The Santa Monica Mountains are divided by the National Park Service into seven
ecoregions with distinct microclimates. The vegetation is largely fire-adapted chaparral …
ecoregions with distinct microclimates. The vegetation is largely fire-adapted chaparral …
A population model of chaparral vegetation response to frequent wildfires
TA Lucas, G Johns, W Jiang, L Yang - Bulletin of mathematical biology, 2013 - Springer
The recent increase in wildfire frequency in the Santa Monica Mountains (SMM) may
substantially impact plant community structure. Species of Chaparral shrubs represent the …
substantially impact plant community structure. Species of Chaparral shrubs represent the …
[KIRJA][B] The long term dynamics of coyote brush invasion in a type-converted landscape of Southern California
SG Brennan - 2015 - search.proquest.com
Coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis) is a native shrub common to the coastal sage scrub (CSS)
habitat of California and often appears in a complex mosaic with other vegetation types …
habitat of California and often appears in a complex mosaic with other vegetation types …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of Fire Retardant on Chaparral Species
K Tran, H Holmlund - researchgate.net
The Santa Monica Mountains are characterized by their low rainfall, high temperature, and
long dry seasons. In addition, during the dry seasons of May to October, Foehn winds, also …
long dry seasons. In addition, during the dry seasons of May to October, Foehn winds, also …
Where has all the Ceanothus megacarpu s gone?
A Kruse, H Kruse, N Kruse - 2019 - digitalcommons.pepperdine.edu
Background: Wildfire is a large part of the chaparral biome, where seedlings from
sclerophyllous plants need fire to crack the seed coat. When shrubs reach maturity they …
sclerophyllous plants need fire to crack the seed coat. When shrubs reach maturity they …
[PDF][PDF] Using Surface Winds to Improve Hazard Assessment: A Case Stu
A Anderson - 2010 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA), in southern
California, is subject to Santa Ana wind events which can lead to destructive fires …
California, is subject to Santa Ana wind events which can lead to destructive fires …