[HTML][HTML] Promoting land tenure security for sustainable peace—lessons on the politics of transformation
Literature on transformations to sustainability increasingly recognizes transformation as
inherently political, but the field still struggles to study these politics. Our research project …
inherently political, but the field still struggles to study these politics. Our research project …
The Rwandan agrarian and land sector modernisation: confronting macro performance with lived experiences on the ground
Rwanda has embarked on an ambitious policy package to modernise and professionalise
the agrarian and land sector. Its reform fits into a broader call–supported by major …
the agrarian and land sector. Its reform fits into a broader call–supported by major …
State and local authorities in land grabbing in Rwanda: governmentality and capitalist accumulation
A Nyenyezi Bisoka, A Ansoms - Canadian Journal of Development …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Since the early 2000s, Rwanda has implemented a comprehensive agrarian reform that
makes large areas of land available to local cooperatives and foreign enterprises for …
makes large areas of land available to local cooperatives and foreign enterprises for …
The price of progress: Economic growth, authoritarianism, and human rights in Rwanda
A Nyenyezi Bisoka, H Geens - The Governance, Security and …, 2021 - Springer
This chapter shows how large agricultural investments in the fight against poverty have
given way to considerable economic growth in Rwanda in the past two decades. However …
given way to considerable economic growth in Rwanda in the past two decades. However …
Real Land Governance and the State: Local Pathways of Securing Land Tenure in Eastern DRC
AN Bisoka, K Claessens - … Public Services in the Congo State …, 2019 - books.google.com
In this chapter, we will analyse the different manifestations of the state in the domain of land
governance in Eastern DRC, in order to improve our understanding of its modes of action in …
governance in Eastern DRC, in order to improve our understanding of its modes of action in …
[PDF][PDF] Promoting land tenure security for sustainable peace—lessons on the politics of transformation
Literature on transformations in the field of sustainability increasingly picks up on the need to
(re-) infuse the study of transformation with attention for politics, but up to now remains …
(re-) infuse the study of transformation with attention for politics, but up to now remains …
On Violence and the “Scholar-Activist” Debate
S Murru - Resistances: Between theories and the field, 2020 - books.google.com
With this volume, we took a moment inside the bursting field of Resistance Studies and
reflected about what field work and theoretical constructions are telling us. The various …
reflected about what field work and theoretical constructions are telling us. The various …
The Great Lakes in Africa: Regional Politics and Dynamics
AN Bisoka - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2019 - oxfordre.com
The study of politics in the African Great Lakes region is not exempt from the epistemological
hardships that often accompany the study of Africa more broadly: dehistoricization and …
hardships that often accompany the study of Africa more broadly: dehistoricization and …
[PDF][PDF] Mécanisation agricole: du clientélisme à l'échec des politiques publiques au Sud-Kivu
ÉC Balolage, PK Bushenyula… - de l'Afrique …, 2020 - medialibrary.uantwerpen.be
Dans les années 1960, l'essentiel des États africains subsahariens fraîchement
indépendants poursuivent les politiques coloniales en matière agricole (Besson et al. 2012) …
indépendants poursuivent les politiques coloniales en matière agricole (Besson et al. 2012) …
Conclusion: Theorising Self
AN Bisoka - Field Research in Africa: The Ethics of Researcher …, 2021 - books.google.com
Conclusion: Theorising Self as Ethical Research Practice 139 (eg, Blee 1993; Fraser 1979;
Fujii 2010; Jessee 2017; Kobayashi 1994; Morgan 1983; Sayigh 1998; Thomson 2010; …
Fujii 2010; Jessee 2017; Kobayashi 1994; Morgan 1983; Sayigh 1998; Thomson 2010; …