[CARTE][B] Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in livestock production: a review of technical options for non-CO2 emissions.
PJ Gerber, B Henderson, HPS Makkar - 2013 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This document analyzes emission of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases, an important
segment of the environmental footprint of animal production. It has been developed by a …
segment of the environmental footprint of animal production. It has been developed by a …
Technical options for the mitigation of direct methane and nitrous oxide emissions from livestock: a review
Although livestock production accounts for a sizeable share of global greenhouse gas
emissions, numerous technical options have been identified to mitigate these emissions. In …
emissions, numerous technical options have been identified to mitigate these emissions. In …
Antibacterial, antioxidant and tyrosinase-inhibition activities of pomegranate fruit peel methanolic extract
Background This study evaluated, using in vitro assays, the antibacterial, antioxidant, and
tyrosinase-inhibition activities of methanolic extracts from peels of seven commercially …
tyrosinase-inhibition activities of methanolic extracts from peels of seven commercially …
Changes in physical properties, chemical and elemental composition and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate (cv. Ruby) fruit at five maturity stages
This study was conducted to investigate the physical and compositional changes as well as
antioxidant properties of pomegranate fruit (cv. Ruby) at five distinct maturity stages between …
antioxidant properties of pomegranate fruit (cv. Ruby) at five distinct maturity stages between …
Effects of storage temperature and duration on physiological responses of pomegranate fruit
Pomegranate fruit (cv.'Bhagwa'and 'Ruby') harvested at commercial maturity were stored at
5±0.3° C, 7±0.5° C and 10±0.4° C with 92±3% relative humidity (RH), and at 22° C …
5±0.3° C, 7±0.5° C and 10±0.4° C with 92±3% relative humidity (RH), and at 22° C …
Extraction of natural antioxidants from hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) shell and skin wastes by long maceration at room temperature
M Contini, S Baccelloni, R Massantini, G Anelli - Food Chemistry, 2008 - Elsevier
The feasibility of obtaining antioxidant phenolic extracts from hazelnut by-products was
investigated by long maceration at room temperature. The hard shells and defatted skins of …
investigated by long maceration at room temperature. The hard shells and defatted skins of …
[HTML][HTML] Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of medicinal plant extracts used to treat wounds and dermatological disorders
Medicinal plants used for wound healing and skin diseases are key to unlocking the doors to
combating resistance of pathogens to pharmaceuticals and allopathic management. This …
combating resistance of pathogens to pharmaceuticals and allopathic management. This …
[HTML][HTML] Ultrasound-assisted extraction of polyphenols from native plants in the Mexican desert
Several plants that are rich in polyphenolic compounds and exhibit biological properties are
grown in the desert region of Mexico under extreme climate conditions. These compounds …
grown in the desert region of Mexico under extreme climate conditions. These compounds …
[PDF][PDF] Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of some spices M. Muchuweti, E. Kativu, CH Mupure, C. Chidewe, AR Ndhlala and MAN Benhura Department …
M Muchuweti - Am. J. Food Technol, 2007 - academia.edu
Aqueous methanolic extracts of 9 spices were investigated for their phenolic compounds
composition and antioxidant properties. The spices investigated were, Laurel noblis (bay …
composition and antioxidant properties. The spices investigated were, Laurel noblis (bay …
Protein concentrate from Jatropha curcas screw‐pressed seed cake and toxic and antinutritional factors in protein concentrate
HPS Makkar, G Francis, K Becker - … of the Science of Food and …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
BACKGROUND: Jatropha curcas seeds are highly toxic to livestock. The presence of
phorbol esters and antinutrients such as trypsin inhibitor, lectin and phytate and the high …
phorbol esters and antinutrients such as trypsin inhibitor, lectin and phytate and the high …