Evaluating the effects of liming and wood-ash treatment on forest ecosystems through systematic meta-analysis
Liming and wood-ash addition have long been used to attenuate the effects of acidic
deposition on forest soils with the goal of promoting tree growth. We performed quantitative …
deposition on forest soils with the goal of promoting tree growth. We performed quantitative …
Juvenile growth of hybrid poplars on acidic boreal soil determined by environmental effects of soil preparation, vegetation control, and fertilization
The silviculture of hybrid poplars and other fast-growing tree species is a promising solution
to reduce the pressure on natural forests while maintaining wood supplies to industries …
to reduce the pressure on natural forests while maintaining wood supplies to industries …
Methods to recommend corrective measures for agricultural soils: a systematic literature study
Acid soils cover about 30% of the total ice-free land area. Based on this, the study aimed to
evaluate soil acidity correction, focusing on identifying studies on limestone …
evaluate soil acidity correction, focusing on identifying studies on limestone …
Weed‐poplar competition dynamics and yield loss in Italian short‐rotation forestry
S Otto, D Loddo, G Zanin - Weed research, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Otto S, Loddo D & Zanin G (2010). Weed‐poplar competition dynamics and yield loss in
Italian short‐rotation forestry. Weed Research50, 153–162. Summary In recent years there …
Italian short‐rotation forestry. Weed Research50, 153–162. Summary In recent years there …
Effect of Wood Ash, Lime, and Biochar on the Establishment and Early Growth of Poplars on Acidic Soil Conditions
Poplars are traditionally cultivated on arable land, but other land types, such as forested
land and forested arable land, may also provide significant opportunities for poplar …
land and forested arable land, may also provide significant opportunities for poplar …
Growth response of hybrid aspen (Populus × wettsteinii) and Populus trichocarpa to different pH levels and nutrient availabilities
Populus plantations are mainly established on agricultural land, but natural forests soils
typically have lower pHs and nutrient contents. In this study, growth responses of two …
typically have lower pHs and nutrient contents. In this study, growth responses of two …
The effect of tree planting density on the relative development of weeds and hybrid poplars on revegetated mine slopes vulnerable to erosion
A Remaury, M Guittonny, J Rickson - New Forests, 2019 - Springer
In reclaimed waste rocks slopes, the soil cover spread for revegetation is prone to erosion.
This soil needs to be immediately protected from soil erosion by above and belowground …
This soil needs to be immediately protected from soil erosion by above and belowground …
Liming increases early growth of poplars on forest sites with low soil pH
Poplars are traditionally grown on former agricultural land but forest land holds great
potential for poplar production as the available area is large. However, knowledge of how to …
potential for poplar production as the available area is large. However, knowledge of how to …
Differences in Al sensitivity affect establishment of Populus genotypes on acidic forest land
Forest lands hold great potential for Populus plantations, but in native boreal forests, soils
normally have low pH and thus higher levels of aluminum ions (Al3+ and hydroxides) …
normally have low pH and thus higher levels of aluminum ions (Al3+ and hydroxides) …
Développement d'une méthode d'évaluation quantitative des effets des projets d'infrastructure de transport terrestre sur les milieux naturels
F Mallard - 2014 - theses.hal.science
Les Infrastructures de Transport Terrestre (ITT), c'est-à-dire les routes et les lignes
ferroviaires, sont une des principales causes du déclin de la biodiversité. En France, les …
ferroviaires, sont une des principales causes du déclin de la biodiversité. En France, les …