Unravelling the link between physical activity and peer social connectedness in young people with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review of quantitative studies

L Maenhout, CA Melville - Journal of Intellectual Disability …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Background There is limited understanding of the context surrounding physical activity (PA)
of young people with intellectual disabilities (ID), which has an impact on the development of …

Weight management recommendations for youth with Down syndrome: Expert recommendations

LT Ptomey, NM Oreskovic, JA Hendrix… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Youth with Down syndrome (DS) have a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity
compared to the general youth population. Due to physiological and cognitive differences …

Health care transition for autistic adolescents and young adults: A pilot rural and urban comparison survey study

E Zhang, M Snyder, W Alduraidi, E Kaiser, S Hunley… - …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Autistic adolescents and young adults in rural areas often experience more unmet medical
needs than their urban peers, particularly during the health care transition, the process of …

[HTML][HTML] Synergizing the behavior change wheel and a cocreative approach to design a physical activity intervention for adolescents and young adults with intellectual …

L Maenhout, J Latomme, G Cardon… - JMIR Formative …, 2024 - formative.jmir.org
Background There is a need for physical activity promotion interventions in adolescents and
young adults with intellectual disabilities. Current interventions have shown limited …

Parent factors associated with BMI, diet, and physical activity of adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities

AE Bodde, DA White, B Forseth, M Hastert… - Disability and Health …, 2023 - Elsevier
Background Adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) experience
overweight and obesity (OW/OB) up to 1.8 times the rate of their typically develo** peers …

Factors that influence physical activity in individuals with down syndrome: Perspectives of guardians and health professionals

EE Schultz, K Sergi, G Twietmeyer… - Adapted Physical …, 2023 - journals.humankinetics.com
Identifying factors that influence physical activity (PA) among individuals with Down
syndrome is essential for PA promotion. Insight can be gained from guardians and health …

Physical activity, exercise and fitness.

T Hilgenkamp, A Oppewal - Journal of Intellectual Disability …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
An introduction is presented in which the editor discusses articles within the issue on topics
including correlation of physical activity with body mass index, waist circumference, race and …

VR-teknologiasta uutta virtaa toimintakykyyn: poikittaistutkimus VR-teknologian ja-sisältöjen käytettävyydestä ja soveltuvuudesta toimintakyvyn tukemisessa autismi-ja …

E Partanen, J Puska - 2024 - theseus.fi
Nuorten hyvinvoinnin ja fyysisen kunnon heikkeneminen ovat Suomessa merkittäviä
huolenaiheita. Liikunnan määrän vähentyessä, myös mielenterveysongelmat ovat …

Using multiple methods to explore physical activity among autistic individuals in Aotearoa New Zealand

EA Dovenberg - 2023 - ourarchive.otago.ac.nz
This thesis aimed to increase understanding of physical activity (PA) participation and
experiences of autistic people in Aotearoa New Zealand. Engaging in regular PA is widely …


R De Saegher, A De Raeve - libstore.ugent.be
Doelstelling: Het doel van deze studie was om de verschillen in spieroxygenatie tijdens een
maximale inspanningstest te vergelijken tussen jongeren/jongvolwassenen met en zonder …