Agree to disagree: Modelling co-existing scholarly perspectives on literary text
E Bleeker, B Buitendijk… - Digital Scholarship in …, 2019 -
This essay addresses two open challenge in the domain of digital scholarly editing:(1)
formally defining the meaning of markup, and (2) allowing the reuse and exchange of textual …
formally defining the meaning of markup, and (2) allowing the reuse and exchange of textual …
Modelling the infrastructure of the “Śivadharma Database”
M Dello Buono - 2024 -
A Digital Scholarly Edition is a conceptually and structurally sophisticated entity. Throughout
the centuries, diverse methodologies have been employed to reconstruct a text transmitted …
the centuries, diverse methodologies have been employed to reconstruct a text transmitted …
Un modello concettuale per le edizioni critiche digitali
C Martignano - 2023 -
In the field of digital philology, most digital scholarly editions (DSE) are produced using a
methodology called “source-output”, which involves encoding the text, mostly in XML format …
methodology called “source-output”, which involves encoding the text, mostly in XML format …
The Biflow-Toscana Bilingue Catalogue
T Mancinelli, A Montefusco - Textual Cultures, 2020 - JSTOR
This article aims at presenting the Biflow-Toscana Bilingue catalogue, the final outcome of
the Biflow (Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works) ERC project, which investigates …
the Biflow (Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works) ERC project, which investigates …
Un modello concettuale per favorire lo sviluppo e il riutilizzo di app per edizioni digitali
In the field of schorlarly digital editing, many innovative applications have been produced to
visualise scholarly editions online. Even if some of these applications are specifically meant …
visualise scholarly editions online. Even if some of these applications are specifically meant …
[CITATION][C] Graph data-models and semantic web technologies in scholarly digital editing
The BIFLOW-Toscana Bilingue Catalogue: A Digital Representation of the Socio-cultural History of Translation in the Tuscan Middle Ages (1260–1430)
A Montefusco, T Mancinelli - Textual Cultures, 2020 -
This article aims at presenting the Biflow-Toscana Bilingue catalogue, the final out-come of
the Biflow (Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works) ERC project, which investigates …
the Biflow (Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works) ERC project, which investigates …
Editing a 15th century political treatise using the computer: a back and forth between meaning and information
This presentation will by an introduction to my project of comparative edition of the
Regimiento de los prínçipes, focusing on the dialectic between information and meaning. By …
Regimiento de los prínçipes, focusing on the dialectic between information and meaning. By …
[CITATION][C] Transforming TEI manuscript descriptions into RDF graphs
[CITATION][C] Formal Semantics for Scholarly Editions
H Cools, R Padlina - Graph Data-Models and Semantic …, 2021 - BoD–Books on Demand