Agree to disagree: Modelling co-existing scholarly perspectives on literary text

E Bleeker, B Buitendijk… - Digital Scholarship in …, 2019‏ -
This essay addresses two open challenge in the domain of digital scholarly editing:(1)
formally defining the meaning of markup, and (2) allowing the reuse and exchange of textual …

Modelling the infrastructure of the “Śivadharma Database”

M Dello Buono - 2024‏ -
A Digital Scholarly Edition is a conceptually and structurally sophisticated entity. Throughout
the centuries, diverse methodologies have been employed to reconstruct a text transmitted …

Un modello concettuale per le edizioni critiche digitali

C Martignano - 2023‏ -
In the field of digital philology, most digital scholarly editions (DSE) are produced using a
methodology called “source-output”, which involves encoding the text, mostly in XML format …

The Biflow-Toscana Bilingue Catalogue

T Mancinelli, A Montefusco - Textual Cultures, 2020‏ - JSTOR
This article aims at presenting the Biflow-Toscana Bilingue catalogue, the final outcome of
the Biflow (Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works) ERC project, which investigates …

Un modello concettuale per favorire lo sviluppo e il riutilizzo di app per edizioni digitali

C Martignano - Umanistica Digitale, 2021‏ -
In the field of schorlarly digital editing, many innovative applications have been produced to
visualise scholarly editions online. Even if some of these applications are specifically meant …

[CITATION][C] Graph data-models and semantic web technologies in scholarly digital editing

E Spadini, F Tomasi, G Vogeler - 2021‏ - BoD–Books on Demand

The BIFLOW-Toscana Bilingue Catalogue: A Digital Representation of the Socio-cultural History of Translation in the Tuscan Middle Ages (1260–1430)

A Montefusco, T Mancinelli - Textual Cultures, 2020‏ -
This article aims at presenting the Biflow-Toscana Bilingue catalogue, the final out-come of
the Biflow (Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works) ERC project, which investigates …

Editing a 15th century political treatise using the computer: a back and forth between meaning and information

MG Levenson - A Workshop on Digital Humanities and Microliteratures …, 2019‏ -
This presentation will by an introduction to my project of comparative edition of the
Regimiento de los prínçipes, focusing on the dialectic between information and meaning. By …

[CITATION][C] Transforming TEI manuscript descriptions into RDF graphs

T Burrows, M Holford, D Lewis… - … Data-Models and …, 2021‏ - BoD–Books on Demand

[CITATION][C] Formal Semantics for Scholarly Editions

H Cools, R Padlina - Graph Data-Models and Semantic …, 2021‏ - BoD–Books on Demand