Latest advances on solar thermal collectors: A comprehensive review
The need to put in place alternative energy policies stems from the awareness that fossil
fuels are exhaustible and harmful to the environment. For this reason, during the last …
fuels are exhaustible and harmful to the environment. For this reason, during the last …
Applications of nanofluids in solar energy: a review of recent advances
Solar energy systems (SESs) are considered as one of the most important alternatives to
conventional fossil fuels, due to its ability to convert solar energy directly into heat and …
conventional fossil fuels, due to its ability to convert solar energy directly into heat and …
Machine learning, mathematical modeling and 4E (energy, exergy, environmental, and economic) analysis of an indirect solar dryer for drying sweet potato
A developed indirect solar dryer is built and operated to dry sweet potato cubes. Since,
numerous instruments have gathered experimental data to comprehensively evaluate the …
numerous instruments have gathered experimental data to comprehensively evaluate the …
Exergy analysis of solar thermal collectors and processes
This paper presents a review of exergy analysis of solar thermal collectors and processes. It
includes not only various types of solar collectors, but also various applications of solar …
includes not only various types of solar collectors, but also various applications of solar …
A detailed review of various types of solar air heaters performance
Solar energy is an endless and environmentally benign renewable energy source. Among
all the forms of solar thermal energy systems, solar air heater is the major system which is …
all the forms of solar thermal energy systems, solar air heater is the major system which is …
Solar air heaters: Design configurations, improvement methods and applications–A detailed review
This article aims to present a review of the literature dealing with improvement methods,
design configurations and applications of different types of solar air heaters (SAHs). Different …
design configurations and applications of different types of solar air heaters (SAHs). Different …
Performance studies on a forced convection solar dryer integrated with a paraffin wax–based latent heat storage system
DK Rabha, P Muthukumar - Solar Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
This manuscript presents the performance studies on a forced convection solar dryer
integrated with a paraffin wax-based shell and tube latent heat storage unit. The solar dryer …
integrated with a paraffin wax-based shell and tube latent heat storage unit. The solar dryer …
Exergetic performance prediction of solar air heater using MLP, GRNN and RBF models of artificial neural network technique
HK Ghritlahre, RK Prasad - Journal of environmental management, 2018 - Elsevier
In the present study three different types of neural models: multi-layer perceptron (MLP),
generalized regression neural network (GRNN) and radial basis function (RBF) has been …
generalized regression neural network (GRNN) and radial basis function (RBF) has been …
Solar drying of agricultural products: A review
The use of solar energy in recent years had reached a remarkable edge. The continuous
research for an alternative power source due to the perceived scarcity of fuel fossils is its …
research for an alternative power source due to the perceived scarcity of fuel fossils is its …
Performance evaluation of a solar air heater with staggered/longitudinal finned absorber plate integrated with aluminium sponge porous medium
Solar air heaters are used to heat air for drying and space heating applications, however,
the low heat transfer between air and absorber plate accounts for its low efficiency. In this …
the low heat transfer between air and absorber plate accounts for its low efficiency. In this …