Taxonomy and nomenclature of Taxus (Taxaceae)

RW Spjut - Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 2007 - JSTOR
A taxonomic treatment of Taxus (Taxaceae) is presented, based on morphological
characters. The genus is proposed to have 24 species and 55 varieties; 24 species and 26 …

Gas concentration effects on secondary metabolite production by plant cell cultures

JC Linden, JR Haigh, N Mirjalili, M Phisaphalong - Plant cells, 2001 - Springer
One aspect of secondary metabolite production that has been studied relatively infrequently
is the effect of gaseous compounds on plant cell behavior. The most influential gases are …

Seasonal Dynamics of Metabolites in Needles of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei

L Yang, ZS Zheng, F Cheng, X Ruan, DA Jiang… - Molecules, 2016 -
Seasonal variations of the phytochemicals contents in needles of T. wallichiana var. mairei
due to the effects of growth meteorological parameters were investigated in this study. The …

[PDF][PDF] A review on taxanes: an important group of anticancer compound obtained from Taxus sp

D Sinha - Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res, 2020 -
Taxol is an important drug used for the treatment of various types of cancer. It is primarily
obtained from Taxus brevifolia bark and has a long history of the developmental program of …

Seasonal variation of neutral and basic taxoid contents in shoots of European Yew (Taxus baccata)

I Hook, C Poupat, A Ahond, D Guénard, F Guéritte… - Phytochemistry, 1999 - Elsevier
Seasonal variations of taxoid constituents were determined in shoots of European Yew
collected from two locations. The first samples originated from a male Taxus baccata tree …

[KNIHA][B] Taxus: the genus Taxus

H Itokawa, KH Lee - 2003 -
Taxol, originally derived from the North American Yew tree in 1971, is well-known worldwide
as a powerful anticancer agent. Mechanistically, it has a unique microtubule stabilizing …

Yew (Taxus) species-chemical and morphological variations

D Dempsey, I Hook - Pharmaceutical Biology, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
The morphological similarities of most Taxus species (Yews) questions the correct
identification of many samples of plant material. To determine if real differences exist …

Neutral and basic taxoid contents in the needles of Taxus species

C Poupat, I Hook, F Guéritte, A Ahond… - Planta …, 2000 -
The concentrations of paclitaxel, 10-deacetylbaccatin III (10-DAB III), basic taxoids (=“total
alkaloids”, TA), taxine B and isotaxine B (=“taxines B”, TBS) in the dried needles of 127 trees …

[PDF][PDF] Medicinal and aromatic plants-industrial profiles

V Kren, L Cvak - Ergot, the genus Claviceps, 1999 -
I grew up in a small country town in the west of Anatolia, Turkey. During my childhood, I was
acquainted with nature through my father who was a biology teacher in a high school …

Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) (Syns.: T. adpressa Carrière; T. aurea K. Koch)

S Akbar, S Akbar - Handbook of 200 Medicinal Plants: A Comprehensive …, 2020 - Springer
A small to medium-sized evergreen tree, native to southwest Asia, northern Iran, Europe,
and northwest Africa. Yew was known to the Greeks and Romans as a poisonous plant …