[КНИГА][B] Blogosphere and its Exploration

C Meinel, J Broß, P Berger, P Hennig - 2015 - Springer
With an immensecirculation of more than 200 million Weblogs worldwide, there are many
good reasons for a closer consideration of the (Web) blog phenomenon. In fact, blogs …

Information retrieval on the blogosphere

RLT Santos, C Macdonald, R McCreadie… - … and Trends® in …, 2012 - nowpublishers.com
Blogs have recently emerged as a new open, rapidly evolving and reactive publishing
medium on the Web. Rather than managed by a central entity, the content on the …

A social network analysis and mining methodology for the monitoring of specific domains in the blogosphere

D Obradović, S Baumann, A Dengel - Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2013 - Springer
Whenever the question arises of how a product, a personality, a technology or some other
specific entity is perceived by the public, the blogosphere is a very good source of …

[PDF][PDF] Automatic sentiment monitoring of specific topics in the blogosphere

FS Pimenta, D Obradovic, R Schirru… - DyNaK 2010 …, 2010 - researchgate.net
The classification of a text according to its sentiment is a task of raising relevance in many
applications, including applications related to monitoring and tracking of the blogosphere …

Mining shared social media links to support clustering of blog articles

D Obradović, F Pimenta… - … on Computational Aspects …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
When monitoring blog articles for the tracking of a certain personality or product, the
automatic identification of topic clusters is of high interest. Clustering by textual content is a …

Topic-based recommendations for enterprise 2.0 resource sharing platforms

R Schirru, S Baumann, M Memmel… - Knowledge-Based and …, 2011 - Springer
Companies increasingly often deploy social media technologies to foster the knowledge
transfer between employees. As the amount of resources in such systems is usually large …

Identifying Domain Experts in the Blogosphere--Ranking Blogs Based on Topic Consistency

P Berger, P Hennig, C Meinel - 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Current ranking algorithms, such as Page Rank, Technorati authority, and BI-Impact, favor
blogs that report on a diversity of topics since those attract a large audience and thus more …

[PDF][PDF] Contextualized Recommendations for the Socio-Semantic Web

R Schirru - 2013 - kluedo.ub.rptu.de
In recent years, recommender systems have been widely used for a variety of different kinds
of items such as books, movies, and music. However, current recommendation approaches …

[PDF][PDF] Ranking blogs based on topic consistency

P Berger, P Hennig, C Meinel - 2012 - Citeseer
Current ranking algorithms, such as PageRank, Technorati authority, and BI-Impact, favor
blogs that report on a diversity of topics since those attract a large audience and thus more …

[PDF][PDF] Computational Social Network Analysis of Authority in the Blogosphere.

D Obradovic, D Forschungszentrum - 2012 - darko-obradovic.net
Social Media have gained more and more importance in many areas of our daily lives. One
of the first media types in this field were weblogs, which allow everyone to easily publish …