[ΒΙΒΛΙΟ][B] Randomized algorithms for analysis and control of uncertain systems: with applications
The presence of uncertainty in a system description has always been a critical issue in
control. The main objective of Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain …
control. The main objective of Randomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain …
Randomized methods for design of uncertain systems: Sample complexity and sequential algorithms
In this paper, we study randomized methods for feedback design of uncertain systems. The
first contribution is to derive the sample complexity of various constrained control problems …
first contribution is to derive the sample complexity of various constrained control problems …
Research on probabilistic methods for control system design
A novel approach based on probability and randomization has emerged to synergize with
the standard deterministic methods for control of systems with uncertainty. The main …
the standard deterministic methods for control of systems with uncertainty. The main …
volesti: Volume approximation and sampling for convex polytopes in r
Sampling from high dimensional distributions and volume approximation of convex bodies
are fundamental operations that appear in optimization, finance, engineering, artificial …
are fundamental operations that appear in optimization, finance, engineering, artificial …
A stochastic subspace approach to gradient-free optimization in high dimensions
We present a stochastic descent algorithm for unconstrained optimization that is particularly
efficient when the objective function is slow to evaluate and gradients are not easily …
efficient when the objective function is slow to evaluate and gradients are not easily …
Sequential randomized algorithms for convex optimization in the presence of uncertainty
In this technical note, we propose new sequential randomized algorithms for convex
optimization problems in the presence of uncertainty. A rigorous analysis of the theoretical …
optimization problems in the presence of uncertainty. A rigorous analysis of the theoretical …
A flexible elicitation procedure for additive model scale constants
This paper contributes to the process of eliciting additive model scale constants in order to
support choice problems, thereby reducing the effort a decision maker (DM) needs to make …
support choice problems, thereby reducing the effort a decision maker (DM) needs to make …
Stochastic subspace descent
We present two stochastic descent algorithms that apply to unconstrained optimization and
are particularly efficient when the objective function is slow to evaluate and gradients are not …
are particularly efficient when the objective function is slow to evaluate and gradients are not …
Random sampling: Billiard walk algorithm
Hit-and-Run is known to be one of the best random sampling algorithms, its mixing time is
polynomial in dimension. However in practice, the number of steps required to obtain …
polynomial in dimension. However in practice, the number of steps required to obtain …
Truncated log-concave sampling for convex bodies with Reflective Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
We introduce Reflective Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (ReHMC), an HMC-based algorithm to
sample from a log-concave distribution restricted to a convex body. The random walk is …
sample from a log-concave distribution restricted to a convex body. The random walk is …