[HTML][HTML] Functional localization and categorization of intentional decisions in humans: A meta-analysis of brain imaging studies
Brain-imaging research on intentional decision-making often employs a “free-choice”
paradigm, in which participants choose among options with identical values or outcomes …
paradigm, in which participants choose among options with identical values or outcomes …
Imperfect integration: Congruency between multiple sensory sources modulates decision-making processes
D Krzemiński, J Zhang - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2022 - Springer
Decision-making on the basis of multiple information sources is common. However, to what
extent such decisions differ from those with a single source remains unclear. We combined …
extent such decisions differ from those with a single source remains unclear. We combined …
The neurocognitive features of intentional decision-making in humans
R Si - 2023 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
This thesis investigated several aspects of intentional decision-making in humans. First, a
meta-analysis revised that, comparing with exogenous, instructed behaviour, endogenous …
meta-analysis revised that, comparing with exogenous, instructed behaviour, endogenous …
Concurrent motor sequence learning and choice preference formation during repetitive action-and stimulus-selections
H Tsujimura, J Zhang - 2023 - osf.io
Motor sequence learning is well-studied using the Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT). The
task has demonstrated that motor sequence learning is developed through repetitive …
task has demonstrated that motor sequence learning is developed through repetitive …
The role of modelling and computer simulations at various levels of brain organisation
D Krzeminski - 2021 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
Computational modelling and simulations are critical analytical tools in contemporary
neuroscience. Models at various levels of abstraction, corresponding to levels of …
neuroscience. Models at various levels of abstraction, corresponding to levels of …
[BOK][B] Inhibitory control in heavy drinking: Improving our understanding to optimize behavioural treatments
S Burton - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Fluctuations in inhibitory control are thought to induce states of disinhibition, playing a key
role in Alcohol Use Disorders. However, current conceptualisations of inhibitory control in …
role in Alcohol Use Disorders. However, current conceptualisations of inhibitory control in …