Measuring social capital accumulation in rural development

K Teilmann - Journal of Rural Studies, 2012 - Elsevier
Using a theoretical framework, the study proposes an index that can measure the social
capital of local action group (LAG) projects. The index is founded on four indicators: number …

[HTML][HTML] LEADER program—an inclusive or selective instrument for the development of rural space in Romania?

AM Opria, L Roșu, C Iațu - Sustainability, 2021 -
The LEADER program is one of the European Union's financing instruments dedicated to
the development of the rural communities. The instrument was introduced in the Romanian …

The Spanish rural school from the New Rural paradigm. Evolution and challenges for the future

NM Romo - Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales, 2017 -
This paper focuses on the Spanish research exploring the role of schools in rural areas from
the prospect of the New Rurality. It seeks to reflect on the context in which these schools are …

[PDF][PDF] Tracing shift in Czech rural development paradigm (Reflections of Local Action Groups in the media).

K Boukalova, A Kolarova… - Agricultural …, 2016 -
Local Action Groups (LAG) as actors in the EU rural development policy reflect the
endogenous paradigm. They utilize the cooperation of their members and social networks to …

[PDF][PDF] Is the partnership governance able to promote endogenous rural development? A preliminary assessment under the Adaptive Co-management approach

G Pappalardo, R Sisto, B Pecorino - European Countryside, 2018 -
Ever increasingly more, all the actors directly or indirectly involved in the planning processes
express the need to know the effects deriving from the implementation of rural development …

Vidékfejlesztési programok jellegzetességei a periférikus térségekben

I Finta, R Horeczki - Tér és Társadalom, 2023 -
A periférikus helyzetű térségek fejlesztése ugyan sosem állt a hazai fejlesztéspolitika
középpontjában, az uniós csatlakozást követően azonban sor került néhány olyan kísérletre …

[PDF][PDF] Comments on the European Court of Auditors' Special Report on the Leader Programme

I Finta - European Countryside, 2023 -
Concerning the efficiency of the different development methods, especially the definition of
added value, neither science nor practice has so far established a universally accepted …

[КНИГА][B] Brexit and agriculture

L Petetin, M Dobbs - 2022 -
Acknowledging the challenges and opportunities raised by Brexit for the agrifood supply
chain and agricultural policies across the UK, this book provides the first in-depth analysis of …

[HTML][HTML] A conceptual framework for the evaluation of social agriculture: An application to a project aimed at the employability of young people neet

A Baselice, M Prosperi, A Lopolito - Sustainability, 2021 -
Agriculture can be a possible provider of social services of relevant importance for the whole
society. In order to generate a valuable social service, a multi-actor approach is often …

[PDF][PDF] Differences among Czech local action groups in using selected principles of LEADER

M Pechrová, K Boukalová - Scientia agriculturae bohemica, 2015 -
LEADER is a multidimensional process, which is searching for accessible linkage of
economic, sociocultural, and environmental objectives (M acken-Walsh, 2011). Basic …