[HTML][HTML] Importance of molecular data to identify fungal plant pathogens and guidelines for pathogenicity testing based on Koch's postulates

CS Bhunjun, AJL Phillips, RS Jayawardena… - Pathogens, 2021 - mdpi.com
Fungi are an essential component of any ecosystem, but they can also cause mild and
severe plant diseases. Plant diseases are caused by a wide array of fungal groups that …

Synergies between the key biodiversity area and systematic conservation planning approaches

RJ Smith, L Bennun, TM Brooks… - Conservation …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Systematic conservation planning and Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are the two most
widely used approaches for identifying important sites for biodiversity. However, there is …

[HTML][HTML] Changing trends and persisting biases in three decades of conservation science

M Di Marco, S Chapman, G Althor, S Kearney… - Global Ecology and …, 2017 - Elsevier
Conservation science is a rapidly develo** discipline, and the knowledge base it
generates is relevant for practical applications. It is therefore crucial to monitor biases and …

[HTML][HTML] Extinction risk assessment of the Greek endemic flora

K Kougioumoutzis, IP Kokkoris, M Panitsa, A Strid… - Biology, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary This study assesses for the first time all the vascular endemic plant taxa of
Greece, according to their decline and rarity. Phylogenetic analysis and its spatial overview …

Spatial conservation prioritization of biodiversity spanning the evolutionary continuum

SB Carvalho, G Velo-Antón, P Tarroso… - Nature ecology & …, 2017 - nature.com
Accounting for evolutionary relationships between and within species is important for
biodiversity conservation planning, but is rarely considered in practice. Here we introduce a …

Global patterns in the divergence between phylogenetic diversity and species richness in terrestrial birds

A Voskamp, DJ Baker, PA Stephens… - Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The conservation value of sites is often based on species richness (SR). However,
metrics of phylogenetic diversity (PD) reflect a community's evolutionary potential and reveal …

The isolated Erebia pandrose Apennine population is genetically unique and endangered by climate change

G Sistri, M Menchetti, L Santini… - Insect Conservation …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change is causing shifts in the distribution of many species and populations
inhabiting mountain tops are particularly vulnerable to these threats because they are …

Phylogenetic diversity, functional trait diversity and extinction: avoiding tip** points and worst-case losses

DP Faith - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2015 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The phylogenetic diversity measure,('PD'), measures the relative feature diversity of different
subsets of taxa from a phylogeny. At the level of feature diversity, PD supports the broad …

Predicting loss of evolutionary history: Where are we?

S Veron, TJ Davies, MW Cadotte, P Clergeau… - Biological …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The Earth's evolutionary history is threatened by species loss in the current sixth mass
extinction event in Earth's history. Such extinction events not only eliminate species but also …

Two ways to be endemic. Alps and Apennines are different functional refugia during climatic cycles

M Menchetti, G Talavera, A Cini, V Salvati… - Molecular …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Endemics co‐occur because they evolved in situ and persist regionally or because they
evolved ex situ and later dispersed to shared habitats, generating evolutionary or ecological …