Megadroughts in the Common Era and the Anthropocene
Exceptional drought events, known as megadroughts, have occurred on every continent
outside Antarctica over the past~ 2,000 years, causing major ecological and societal …
outside Antarctica over the past~ 2,000 years, causing major ecological and societal …
What we talk about when we talk about seasonality–A transdisciplinary review
The role of seasonality is indisputable in climate and ecosystem dynamics. Seasonal
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …
[КНИГА][B] Ancient Maya politics: a political anthropology of the Classic Period 150–900 CE
S Martin - 2020 - books.google.com
The Classic Maya have long presented scholars with vexing problems. One of the longest
running and most contested of these, and the source of deeply polarized interpretations, has …
running and most contested of these, and the source of deeply polarized interpretations, has …
Development and disintegration of Maya political systems in response to climate change
The role of climate change in the development and demise of Classic Maya civilization (300
to 1000 CE) remains controversial because of the absence of well-dated climate and …
to 1000 CE) remains controversial because of the absence of well-dated climate and …
Classic Period collapse of the Central Maya Lowlands: Insights about human–environment relationships for sustainability
BL Turner, JA Sabloff - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012 - pnas.org
The ninth century collapse and abandonment of the Central Maya Lowlands in the Yucatán
peninsular region were the result of complex human–environment interactions. Large-scale …
peninsular region were the result of complex human–environment interactions. Large-scale …
Drought, agricultural adaptation, and sociopolitical collapse in the Maya Lowlands
Paleoclimate records indicate a series of severe droughts was associated with societal
collapse of the Classic Maya during the Terminal Classic period (∼ 800–950 CE). Evidence …
collapse of the Classic Maya during the Terminal Classic period (∼ 800–950 CE). Evidence …
[КНИГА][B] The Palgrave handbook of climate history
S White, C Pfister, F Mauelshagen - 2018 - Springer
The Palgrave handbook of climate history The Palgrave Handbook of Climate History Edited by
Sam White· Christian Pfister Franz Mauelshagen Page 2 The Palgrave Handbook of Climate …
Sam White· Christian Pfister Franz Mauelshagen Page 2 The Palgrave Handbook of Climate …
Collapse of Classic Maya civilization related to modest reduction in precipitation
The disintegration of the Classic Maya civilization in the Yucatán Peninsula and Central
America was a complex process that occurred over an approximately 200-year interval and …
America was a complex process that occurred over an approximately 200-year interval and …
Kax and kol: Collapse and resilience in lowland Maya civilization
Episodes of population loss and cultural change, including the famous Classic Collapse,
punctuated the long course of Maya civilization. In many cases, these downturns in the …
punctuated the long course of Maya civilization. In many cases, these downturns in the …
The Holocene history of the North American Monsoon:'known knowns' and 'known unknowns' in understanding its spatial and temporal complexity
SE Metcalfe, JA Barron, SJ Davies - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
Evidence for climatic change across the North American Monsoon (NAM) and adjacent
areas is reviewed, drawing on continental and marine records and the application of climate …
areas is reviewed, drawing on continental and marine records and the application of climate …