Energy security: new threats and solutions

L Gitelman, E Magaril, M Kozhevnikov - Energies, 2023 -
The article presents the conceptual features of energy security management under a
radically changed context, increasing crisis phenomena, and threats of various natures. The …

Diversification as a method of ensuring the sustainability of energy supply within the energy transition

L Gitelman, M Kozhevnikov, Y Visotskaya - Resources, 2023 -
This article presents a structured approach to the implementation of diversification in the
energy sector during the energy transition, accompanied by crisis phenomena in the …

Energy diversification and security in the EU: comparative assessment in different EU regions

D Streimikiene, I Siksnelyte-Butkiene, V Lekavicius - Economies, 2023 -
Various methods and tools have been developed to quantify energy supply security;
however, there is no ideal framework to measure energy security, as the concept is …

[HTML][HTML] When green energy feels cozy: The interplay of protected values, the halo effect, and demographics in consumers' renewable energies adoption

JP Loaiza-Ramírez, T Reimer… - Cleaner and Responsible …, 2024 - Elsevier
Adopting renewable energies at the individual level is required to mitigate greenhouse gas
emissions, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and transition to a society based on green energy …

Natural Gas Pricing Mechanism for Emerging Markets

OF Ayodele - Sustainable Utilization of Natural Gas for Low-Carbon …, 2024 - Springer
Natural gas is becoming a crucial energy source worldwide, especially in develo**
economies that are transitioning towards cleaner and more effective energy systems …

A Fixed Single-Point Mooring Innovation Solution for Offshore LNG-FSRU Import Terminal

J Xuanze, D Baohui, M **anwu… - Abu Dhabi …, 2024 -
Natural gas plays a critical role in sustainable development and energy transition because
it's safe, high-heat and clean energy. LNG-FSRU is an offshore floating storage and …

Pengambilan Keputusan Menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) pada Pemilihan Pemasok Produk Lampu

RM Arum, T Yuniarti - … : Industrial Vocational E-Journal …, 2021 -
This study aims to determine the best supplier for in-Lite lighting products. The company
chose criteria and sub-criteria in supplier selection to optimize product sales continuity. This …

Energy security: new challenges and global trends

А МАЗАРАКІ, Т МЕЛЬНИК - Scientia fructuosa, 2024 -
ISSN 2786-7978; eISSN 2786-7986. SCIENTIA FRUCTUOSA. 2024. № 3 5 various natures
are presented. The hypothesis that energy security is a complex category that expresses the …

Look at Risk/Benefit of Energy Options for the Transition: A Systematic Review of Transition to Wind Energy in Norway after the Paris Agreement

J Norouzi, P Mohsenizadeh - 2024 -
This thesis investigates the expert discussion on the risks and benefits of wind energy in
Norway after the 2016 Paris Agreement, assessing its role as a key source for achieving an …


OA Raimi - Annals of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, 2023 -
Warpage defects are flaws that are mostly found in injection molded parts. The development
of multi–decision criteria using combined metamodels integrated into the TOPSIS approach …