Energy management in power distribution systems: Review, classification, limitations and challenges
Energy management in distribution systems has gained attention in recent years.
Coordination of electricity generation and consumption is crucial to save energy, reduce …
Coordination of electricity generation and consumption is crucial to save energy, reduce …
AC optimal power flow in power systems with renewable energy integration: A review of formulations and case studies
The primary goal of a power system is to provide consumers with reliable access to power at
the most economical cost. Under the declining costs of renewable energy sources, the …
the most economical cost. Under the declining costs of renewable energy sources, the …
Two-stage optimal dispatching of AC/DC hybrid active distribution systems considering network flexibility
The increasing flexibility of active distribution systems (ADSs) coupled with the high
penetration of renewable distributed generators (RDGs) leads to the increase of the …
penetration of renewable distributed generators (RDGs) leads to the increase of the …
Supply restoration of data centers in flexible distribution networks with spatial-temporal regulation
The reliable operation of Internet data centers (IDCs) is crucial to digitization transformation
of society. However, the extreme fault on the IDC-located distribution network is fatal to IDC …
of society. However, the extreme fault on the IDC-located distribution network is fatal to IDC …
Batch-constrained reinforcement learning for dynamic distribution network reconfiguration
Dynamic distribution network reconfiguration (DNR) algorithms perform hourly status
changes of remotely controllable switches to improve distribution system performance. The …
changes of remotely controllable switches to improve distribution system performance. The …
Energy management for hybrid AC/DC distribution system with microgrid clusters using non-cooperative game theory and robust optimization
Y Fu, Z Zhang, Z Li, Y Mi - IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a novel coordinated energy management approach for hybrid AC/DC
distribution system with microgrid clusters considering multiple market players, which is …
distribution system with microgrid clusters considering multiple market players, which is …
AC/DC hybrid distribution network reconfiguration with microgrid formation using multi-agent soft actor-critic
Recent extreme events trigger tremendous concerns on distribution system resilience.
Meanwhile, high penetration of inverter-interfaced distributed generators (DGs) and …
Meanwhile, high penetration of inverter-interfaced distributed generators (DGs) and …
A comprehensive review of hybrid AC/DC networks: insights into system planning, energy management, control, and protection
MI Abdelwanis, MI Elmezain - Neural Computing and Applications, 2024 - Springer
The introduction of hybrid alternating current (AC)/direct current (DC) distribution networks
led to several developments in smart grid and decentralized power system technology. The …
led to several developments in smart grid and decentralized power system technology. The …
Improving distribution networks' consistency by optimal distribution system reconfiguration and distributed generations
This paper presents an Enhanced Marine Predators Algorithm (EMPA) for simultaneous
optimal distribution system reconfigurations (DSRs) and distributed generations (DGs) …
optimal distribution system reconfigurations (DSRs) and distributed generations (DGs) …
Distribution system resilience enhancement through resilience-oriented optimal scheduling of multi-microgrids considering normal and emergency conditions interlink …
One of the major concerns of power systems is dealing with extreme power outages during
severe events and consequently, its repercussions on the lives of people in society and …
severe events and consequently, its repercussions on the lives of people in society and …