Evapotranspiration information reporting: I. Factors governing measurement accuracy

RG Allen, LS Pereira, TA Howell, ME Jensen - Agricultural Water …, 2011‏ - Elsevier
More and more evapotranspiration models, evapotranspiration crop coefficients and
associated measurements of evapotranspiration (ET) are being reported in the literature and …

Evaporation, evapotranspiration, and irrigation water requirements

Task Committee on Revision of Manual 70 - 2016‏ - ascelibrary.org
Sponsored by the Committee on Evapotranspiration in Irrigation and Hydrology of the
Irrigation and Drainage Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of …

Evaluating eddy covariance cotton ET measurements in an advective environment with large weighing lysimeters

JL Chávez, TA Howell, KS Copeland - Irrigation Science, 2009‏ - Springer
Eddy covariance (EC) systems are being used to assess the accuracy of remote sensing
methods in map** surface sensible and latent heat fluxes and evapotranspiration (ET) …

[ספר][B] Soil physics companion

AW Warrick - 2001‏ - taylorfrancis.com
An authoritative reference on soil physics, Soil Physics Companion is lavishly illustrated with
graphs, charts, line drawings, and equations. The book provides a valuable source of …

Two-source energy balance model estimates of evapotranspiration using component and composite surface temperatures

PD Colaizzi, WP Kustas, MC Anderson, N Agam… - Advances in water …, 2012‏ - Elsevier
The two source energy balance model (TSEB) can estimate evaporation (E), transpiration
(T), and evapotranspiration (ET) of vegetated surfaces, which has important applications in …

The Bowen ratio-energy balance method for estimating latent heat flux of irrigated alfalfa evaluated in a semi-arid, advective environment

RW Todd, SR Evett, TA Howell - Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2000‏ - Elsevier
The Bowen ratio-energy balance (BREB) is a micrometeorological method often used to
estimate latent heat flux because of its simplicity, robustness, and cost. Estimates of latent …

Evapotranspiration, yield, and water use efficiency of corn hybrids differing in maturity

TA Howell, JA Tolk, AD Schneider… - Agronomy journal, 1998‏ - Wiley Online Library
Short‐season corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids may reduce irrigation requirements and permit
earlier harvest. We measured and compared evapotranspiration (ET) of a short‐season (SS …

Evapotranspiration of full-, deficit-irrigated, and dryland cotton on the Northern Texas High Plains

TA Howell, SR Evett, JA Tolk… - Journal of irrigation and …, 2004‏ - ascelibrary.org
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is beginning to be produced on the Northern Texas High
Plains as a lower water-requiring crop while producing an acceptable profit. Cotton is a …

Can weighing lysimeter ET represent surrounding field ET well enough to test flux station measurements of daily and sub-daily ET?

SR Evett, RC Schwartz, TA Howell… - Advances in Water …, 2012‏ - Elsevier
Weighing lysimeters and neutron probes (NP) are both used to determine the change in soil
water storage needed to solve for evapotranspiration (ET) using the soil water balance …

Past, present, and future of irrigation on the US Great Plains

SR Evett, PD Colaizzi, FR Lamm… - Transactions of the …, 2020‏ - elibrary.asabe.org
Highlights Irrigation is key to the productivity of Great Plains agriculture but is threatened by
water scarcity. The irrigated area grew to> 9 million ha since 1870, mostly since 1950, but is …