[PDF][PDF] Heritability of valuable economic traits in the hybrid generations of bread wheat

DT Juraev, OA Amanov, SD Dilmurodov… - Annals of the …, 2021‏ - researchgate.net
Wheat breeding aims to create high quality varieties that are resistant to dormancy, drought,
disease and biotic and abiotic stress in general. In theory, it was decided to increase the …

[PDF][PDF] Study of heterosis for grain yield and its components in wheat (Triticum aestivum) over normal and heat stress condition

N Thomas, S Marker, GM Lal, A Dayal - Journal of Pharmacognosy …, 2017‏ - academia.edu
Present investigations were carried out to exploit further breeding heat tolerant cultivars.
Heterosis for yield and its component traits were studied in 10 parents and their 45 F1's in …

Identifying heterotic combinations for yield and quality traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

JP Jaiswal, E Ahmad, A Kamar - Electronic Journal of Plant …, 2016‏ - ejplantbreeding.org
An experiment was conducted to estimate the nature and magnitude of heterosis for grain
yield, its components and quality traits in a diallel cross of eight genetically diverse wheat …

Analysis of combining ability and gene action studies for grain yield and its component traits in bread wheat utilizing line x tester mating design

A Roy, A Kumar, V Rawat, A Singh - Environment Conservation …, 2021‏ - journal.environcj.in
The present research investigation was conducted in order to analyze combining ability and
nature of gene actions in 33 F1s of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell) developed …

[PDF][PDF] Identification of heterotic combinations for grain yield and quality traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

HN Patel - Int. J. Pure Appl. Biosci, 2018‏ - researchgate.net
An experiment was conducted to estimate the nature and magnitude of heterosis for grain
yield, its components and quality traits in a diallel cross of eight genetically diverse wheat …

[PDF][PDF] Heterosis and inbreeding depression in relation to heterotic parameters in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under late sown condition

J Kumar, A Kumar, M Kumar, SK Singh, L Singh… - Journal of Wheat …, 2017‏ - sawbar.in
The present investigation on heterosis and inbreeding depression was conducted on
genetically diverse 10 parent diallel crosses of bread wheat. The experimental materials …

[PDF][PDF] Heterosis studies for yield component traits and quality in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

D Kumar, SA Kerkhi - The Bioscan, 2014‏ - Citeseer
ABSTRACT A study was conducted to estimate the extent of heterosis for yield and some
quality in the experiment was planted in a RCBD with three replication and 45 F1 crosses …

74. Study of heterosis analysis in F1 population of bread wheat

AA Khokhar, WA Jatoi, FG Nizamani, RA Rind… - Pure and Applied …, 2019‏ - thepab.org
The study was conducted to evaluate heterotic in bread wheat during crop season 2016-
2017. Six parents of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were crossed in a half diallel design …

[PDF][PDF] Prediction of gene action and combining ability for yield and quality traits in F1 and F2 generations of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

S Verma, R Maurya, S Maurya - Tropical Plant Res, 2016‏ - academia.edu
Combining ability analysis was studied in a 10 x 10 diallele set of bread to understand the
inheritance pattern of several yield and quality traits in bread wheat. Results showed that the …

Estimation of heterosis for yield and some yield components in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).

VD Gite, AR Mali, BD Idhol, JH Bagwan - 2014‏ - cabidigitallibrary.org
Heterosis estimated over mid and better parents in 7× 7 half diallel design for ten different
cross combinations of bread wheat. The crosses were estimated for yield and yield …