Mental stress assessment in the workplace: a review
Workers with demanding jobs are at risk of experiencing mental stress, leading to decreased
performance, mental illness, and disrupted sleep. To detect elevated stress levels in the …
performance, mental illness, and disrupted sleep. To detect elevated stress levels in the …
[HTML][HTML] An interpretable machine learning approach to multimodal stress detection in a simulated office environment
Background and objective: Work-related stress affects a large part of today's workforce and
is known to have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Continuous and …
is known to have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Continuous and …
[HTML][HTML] A New Era in Stress Monitoring: A Review of Embedded Devices and Tools for Detecting Stress in the Workplace
Detection of stress and the development of innovative platforms for stress monitoring have
attracted significant attention in recent years due to the growing awareness of the harmful …
attracted significant attention in recent years due to the growing awareness of the harmful …
[HTML][HTML] Machine and deep learning applications to mouse dynamics for continuous user authentication
Static authentication methods, like passwords, grow increasingly weak with advancements
in technology and attack strategies. Continuous authentication has been proposed as a …
in technology and attack strategies. Continuous authentication has been proposed as a …
[HTML][HTML] Is mouse dynamics information credible for user behavior research? An empirical investigation
Mouse dynamics, information on user's interaction with a computer mouse, are in vogue in
machine learning for purposes such as recommendations, personalization, prediction of …
machine learning for purposes such as recommendations, personalization, prediction of …
Continuous user authentication using mouse dynamics, machine learning, and minecraft
Mouse dynamics has grown in popularity as a novel, irreproducible behavioral biometric.
Datasets which contain general, unrestricted mouse movements from users are sparse in …
Datasets which contain general, unrestricted mouse movements from users are sparse in …
Automated multimodal stress detection in computer office workspace
Nowadays, changes in the conditions and nature of the workplace make it imperative to
create unobtrusive systems for the automatic detection of occupational stress, which can be …
create unobtrusive systems for the automatic detection of occupational stress, which can be …
Detection of operator fatigue in the main control room of a nuclear power plant based on eye blink rate, PERCLOS and mouse velocity
L Dai, Y Li, M Zhang - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
Fatigue affects operators' safe operation in a nuclear power plant's (NPP) main control room
(MCR). An accurate and rapid detection of operators' fatigue status is significant to safe …
(MCR). An accurate and rapid detection of operators' fatigue status is significant to safe …
Dual-function integrated emotion-based music classification system using features from physiological signals
HG Kim, GY Lee, MS Kim - IEEE Transactions on Consumer …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we propose an emotion-based music classification system using features from
physiological signals. The proposed system integrates two functions; the first uses …
physiological signals. The proposed system integrates two functions; the first uses …
Show me how you use your mouse and I tell you how you feel? Sensing affect with the computer mouse
P Freihaut, AS Göritz - IEEE Transactions on Affective …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Computer mouse tracking is a simple and cost-efficient way to gather continuous behavioral
data. As theory suggests a relationship between affect and sensorimotor processes, the …
data. As theory suggests a relationship between affect and sensorimotor processes, the …