Predictions transform memories: How expected versus unexpected events are integrated or separated in memory
Our brains constantly generate predictions about the environment based on prior
knowledge. Many of the events we experience are consistent with these predictions, while …
knowledge. Many of the events we experience are consistent with these predictions, while …
From remembering to reconstruction: The transformative neural representation of episodic memory
G Xue - Progress in Neurobiology, 2022 - Elsevier
Although memory has long been recognized as a generative process, neural research of
memory in recent decades has been predominantly influenced by Tulving's “mental time …
memory in recent decades has been predominantly influenced by Tulving's “mental time …
Behavioral representational similarity analysis reveals how episodic learning is influenced by and reshapes semantic memory
While semantic and episodic memory have been shown to influence each other, uncertainty
remains as to how this interplay occurs. We introduce a behavioral representational …
remains as to how this interplay occurs. We introduce a behavioral representational …
Conceptual relatedness promotes memory generalization at the cost of detailed recollection
An adaptive memory system is one that allows us to both retrieve detailed memories as well
as generalize knowledge about our past, the latter termed memory generalization and is …
as generalize knowledge about our past, the latter termed memory generalization and is …
Reap while you sleep: consolidation of memories differs by how they were sown
Newly formed memories are spontaneously reactivated during sleep, leading to their
strengthening. This reactivation process can be manipulated by reinstating learning‐related …
strengthening. This reactivation process can be manipulated by reinstating learning‐related …
Time after time: Preserving temporal memories when experiences repeat
Remembering when events occur in time is fundamental to episodic memory. Yet, many
experiences repeat over time creating the potential for interference when attempting to recall …
experiences repeat over time creating the potential for interference when attempting to recall …
Semantic associates create retroactive interference on an independent spatial memory task.
Semantic similarity between stimuli can lead to false memories and can also potentially
cause retroactive interference (RI) for veridical memories. Here, participants first learned …
cause retroactive interference (RI) for veridical memories. Here, participants first learned …
Motivation and prediction-driven processing of social memoranda
N Reggev - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2024 - Elsevier
Social semantic memory guides many aspects of behavior. Individuals rely on acquired and
inferred knowledge about personal characteristics and group membership to predict the …
inferred knowledge about personal characteristics and group membership to predict the …
Semantic associations restore neural encoding mechanisms
IL Moore, NM Long - Learning & Memory, 2024 -
Lapses in attention can negatively impact later memory of an experience. Attention and
encoding resources are thought to decline as more experiences are encountered in …
encoding resources are thought to decline as more experiences are encountered in …
The role of similarity of stimuli and responses in learning by nectar-foraging bumble bees: a test of Osgood's model
Learning stimulus–response associations helps animals to adjust to changing
environments. Sequentially learned associations may interact with each other, either …
environments. Sequentially learned associations may interact with each other, either …