The future of disability in America
AM Jette, MJ Field - 2007 -
The future of disability in America will depend on how well the US prepares for and
manages the demographic, fiscal, and technological developments that will unfold during …
manages the demographic, fiscal, and technological developments that will unfold during …
Disability, earnings, income and consumption
We study the well-being of disabled men and the economic benefits of disability insurance.
Using longitudinal data for 1968–2015 for male household heads, we determine the …
Using longitudinal data for 1968–2015 for male household heads, we determine the …
Vignettes and self-reports of work disability in the United States and the Netherlands
In contrast to the believed similarity in their health outcomes, workers in different Western
countries report very different rates of work disability. Using new data from the United States …
countries report very different rates of work disability. Using new data from the United States …
Disability and employment: New directions for industrial and organizational psychology.
AJ Colella, SM Bruyère - 2011 -
Despite the relative dearth of research on disability employment issues in the field of
industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology, there is a plethora of theory and research …
industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology, there is a plethora of theory and research …
The effect of safety-net programs on food insecurity
We investigate to what extent major safety-net program benefits affect food insecurity in
families. We impute program eligibility and benefits in each state for 2001–2009, accounting …
families. We impute program eligibility and benefits in each state for 2001–2009, accounting …
Disability and employment: Reevaluating the evidence in light of reporting errors
Measurement error in health and disability status has been widely accepted as a central
problem in social science research. Long-standing debates about the prevalence of …
problem in social science research. Long-standing debates about the prevalence of …
[BOK][B] Working longer: The solution to the retirement income challenge
AH Munnell, SA Sass - 2009 -
Daily headlines warn American workers that their retirement years may be far from golden.
The main components of the retirement income system—Social Security and employer …
The main components of the retirement income system—Social Security and employer …
Dismantling the poverty trap: Disability policy for the twenty‐first century
DC Stapleton, BL O'DAY, GA Livermore… - The Milbank …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Working‐age people with disabilities are much more likely than people without disabilities to
live in poverty and not be employed or have shared in the economic prosperity of the late …
live in poverty and not be employed or have shared in the economic prosperity of the late …
Food insecurity among households with working-age adults with disabilities
A Coleman-Jensen, M Nord - USDA-ERS economic research report, 2013 -
Prior research has shown that food insecurity is more common among US households with
an adult who has a work-limiting disability than among other households. To provide more …
an adult who has a work-limiting disability than among other households. To provide more …
Making full use of the longitudinal design of the Current Population Survey: Methods for linking records across 16 months\m {1}
JA Rivera Drew, S Flood… - Journal of economic and …, 2014 -
Abstract Data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) are rarely analyzed in a way that
takes advantage of the CPS's longitudinal design. This is mainly because of the technical …
takes advantage of the CPS's longitudinal design. This is mainly because of the technical …