A self-rechargeable and flexible polymer solar battery

G Dennler, S Bereznev, D Fichou, K Holl, D Ilic… - Solar Energy, 2007 - Elsevier
As an answer to the increasing energy demand of mobile battery-powered electronic
devices, we propose a new approach offering an autonomous power source. Comprising a …

Room temperature LPG sensor based on n-CdS/p-polyaniline heterojunction

DS Dhawale, DP Dubal, VS Jamadade… - Sensors and Actuators B …, 2010 - Elsevier
In the present work, room temperature (300K) liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensor based
on n-CdS/p-polyaniline thin film heterojunction has been fabricated using simple …

[PDF][PDF] Chemically deposited CuInSe2 thin films and their photovoltaic properties: a review

BM Palve, CV Jagtap, VS Kadam, HM Pathan - Engineered …, 2020 - espublisher.com
Abstract Copper Indium di-Selenium, CuInSe2 (CISe), is the most promising absorber
material for thin-film solar cells. CISe based solar cells have shown long-term stability and …

Fabrication of n-CdTe/p-polyaniline heterojunction-based room temperature LPG sensor

SS Joshi, TP Gujar, VR Shinde… - Sensors and Actuators B …, 2008 - Elsevier
The response of a heterojunction formed with n-CdTe and p-polyaniline to liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) has been investigated using forward bias current measurement at …

Electrochemically prepared polymer solar cell by three-layer deposition of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/poly (2, 2′-bithiophene)/fullerene (PEDOT/PBT/C60)

E Nasybulin, J Feinstein, M Cox, I Kymissis, K Levon - Polymer, 2011 - Elsevier
A new electrochemical approach to fabricate polymer solar cell has been developed.
Electropolymerization of 2, 2′-bithiophene was done on top of the electrodeposited p …

Electrodeposited (Cu–In–Se)/polypyrrole PV structures

S Bereznev, J Kois, I Golovtsov, A Öpik, E Mellikov - Thin solid films, 2006 - Elsevier
Hybrid PV structures based on polycrystalline photoabsorber Cu–In–Se (CISe) and
electrically conductive polymer polypyrrole (PPy) were prepared using the electrodeposition …

Electrochemical codeposition of poly (thieno [3, 2-b] thiophene) and fullerene: An approach to a bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic device

E Nasybulin, M Cox, I Kymissis, K Levon - Synthetic metals, 2012 - Elsevier
An electrochemical approach was developed to fabricate polymer solar cell. Poly (thieno [3,
2-b] thiophene) and fullerene were codeposited by cyclic voltammetry from the solution …

Glass/ITO/In (O, S)/CuIn (S, Se) 2 solar cell with conductive polymer window layer

J Kois, S Bereznev, J Raudoja, E Mellikov… - Solar energy materials …, 2005 - Elsevier
Hybrid solar cells based on the combination of conductive polymer poly (3, 4-
ethylenedioxythiophene)(PEDOT) doped with polystyrenesulfonate (PSS) and inorganic …

Preparation and characterization of P3HT: CuInSe2: TiO2 thin film for hybrid solar cell applications

YY Yu, WC Chien, YH Ko, SH Chen - Thin Solid Films, 2011 - Elsevier
Improved efficiency of hybrid Al/Ca/P3HT: CISe: TiO2/PEDOT: PSS/ITO thin film solar cells
was obtained by optimizing P3HT/CISe ratio. This study also investigated the effects of TiO2 …

Effect of the fullerene in the properties of thin PEDOT/C60 films obtained by co-electrodeposition

N Alegret, A Dominguez-Alfaro, M Salsamendi… - Inorganica Chimica …, 2017 - Elsevier
Organic electronics requires the development of reproducible and highly conductive thin
films. The arrangement of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)(PEDOT) with fullerene C 60 …