Agriculture in West Africa in the twenty-first century: climate change and impacts scenarios, and potential for adaptation
West Africa is known to be particularly vulnerable to climate change due to high climate
variability, high reliance on rain-fed agriculture, and limited economic and institutional …
variability, high reliance on rain-fed agriculture, and limited economic and institutional …
The West African Sahel: A review of recent studies on the rainfall regime and its interannual variability
SE Nicholson - International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The West African Sahel is well known for the severe droughts that ravaged the region in the
1970s and 1980s. Meteorological research on the region has flourished during the last …
1970s and 1980s. Meteorological research on the region has flourished during the last …
The West African monsoon dynamics. Part II: The “preonset” and “onset” of the summer monsoon
The arrival of the summer monsoon over West Africa has been documented by using daily
gridded rainfall data and NCEP–NCAR reanalyses during the period 1968–90, and OLR …
gridded rainfall data and NCEP–NCAR reanalyses during the period 1968–90, and OLR …
The Saharan aerosol long-range transport and aerosol–cloud-interaction experiment: overview and selected highlights
North Africa is the world's largest source of dust, a large part of which is transported across
the Atlantic to the Caribbean and beyond where it can impact radiation and clouds. Many …
the Atlantic to the Caribbean and beyond where it can impact radiation and clouds. Many …
African easterly wave variability and its relationship to Atlantic tropical cyclone activity
C Thorncroft, K Hodges - Journal of Climate, 2001 -
Automatic tracking of vorticity centers in European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts analyses has been used to develop a 20-yr climatology of African easterly wave …
Forecasts analyses has been used to develop a 20-yr climatology of African easterly wave …
A revised picture of the structure of the “monsoon” and land ITCZ over West Africa
SE Nicholson - Climate Dynamics, 2009 - Springer
This article presents an overview of the land ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) over
West Africa, based on analysis of NCAR–NCEP Reanalysis data. The picture that emerges …
West Africa, based on analysis of NCAR–NCEP Reanalysis data. The picture that emerges …
The present and future of the West African monsoon: A process-oriented assessment of CMIP5 simulations along the AMMA transect
R Roehrig, D Bouniol, F Guichard, F Hourdin… - Journal of …, 2013 -
The present assessment of the West African monsoon in the models of the Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project (CMIP) phase 5 (CMIP5) indicates little evolution since the third …
Intercomparison Project (CMIP) phase 5 (CMIP5) indicates little evolution since the third …
Seasonal evolution of the West African heat low: a climatological perspective
Abstract The West African heat low (WAHL), a region of high surface temperatures and low
surface pressures, is a key element of the West African monsoon system. In this study, we …
surface pressures, is a key element of the West African monsoon system. In this study, we …
A study of the dynamic factors influencing the rainfall variability in the West African Sahel
JP Grist, SE Nicholson - Journal of climate, 2001 -
This study examines selected dynamical factors associated with wet and dry years in the
West African Sahel. The approach is to evaluate the temperature, wind, and moisture fields …
West African Sahel. The approach is to evaluate the temperature, wind, and moisture fields …
The seasonal evolution of the atmospheric circulation over West Africa and equatorial Africa
SE Nicholson, JP Grist - Journal of climate, 2003 -
This paper examines the mean annual cycle of rainfall and general circulation features over
West Africa and central Africa for 1958–97. Rainfall is examined using a 1400-station …
West Africa and central Africa for 1958–97. Rainfall is examined using a 1400-station …