[КНИГА][B] The political sociology of emotions: Essays on trauma and ressentiment
N Demertzis - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
The Political Sociology of Emotions articulates the political sociology of emotions as a sub-
field of emotions sociology in relation to cognate disciplines and sub-disciplines. Far from …
field of emotions sociology in relation to cognate disciplines and sub-disciplines. Far from …
[КНИГА][B] Collective memory, national identity, and ethnic conflict: Greece, Bulgaria, and the Macedonian question
V Roudometof - 2002 - books.google.com
Roudometof provides an in-depth analysis of inter-ethnic relations in the southern Balkans.
He examines the evolution of the Macedonian Question and the production of rival national …
He examines the evolution of the Macedonian Question and the production of rival national …
[КНИГА][B] Emotions in politics
N Demertzis - 2013 - Springer
The Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology book series profiles a range of innovative
contributions that investigate the leading political issues and perspectives of our time. The …
contributions that investigate the leading political issues and perspectives of our time. The …
[КНИГА][B] Kurdish identity, discourse, and new media
J Sheyholislami - 2011 - Springer
Informed by the interdisciplinary approach of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and theories
of identity, nation, and media, the study investigates the ways Kurds, the world's largest …
of identity, nation, and media, the study investigates the ways Kurds, the world's largest …
[КНИГА][B] Questioning allegiance: Resituating civic education
L Jackson - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Education about living in society and in the world is a vital task of schools. Yet such civic
education is not always critically examined, and few among us have been encouraged to …
education is not always critically examined, and few among us have been encouraged to …
[КНИГА][B] Ethnische Minderheiten, Massenmedien und Integration
J Trebbe - 2009 - Springer
Die Rolle der Medien im Integrationsprozess von Migranten ist in den letzten zwanzig
Jahren stärker in den Fokus der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Debatten gerückt …
Jahren stärker in den Fokus der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Debatten gerückt …
Political Polarisation in Greece: The Prespa Agreement, left/right antagonism and the nationalism/populism nexus
A Skoulariki - The Politics of Polarisation, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Following the signing of the Prespa Agreement in June 2018, the Macedonian name issue
became the most prominent topic on the Greek political agenda, catalysing an exceptional …
became the most prominent topic on the Greek political agenda, catalysing an exceptional …
Emotions and nationalism: a reappraisal
J Heaney - Emotions in politics: the affect dimension in political …, 2013 - Springer
The emotions have not had an easy time with the social sciences. For most of their history,
disciplines such as political science, economics and sociology have cast them on the …
disciplines such as political science, economics and sociology have cast them on the …
Greece from Junta to Crisis
D Tziovas - 2021 - torrossa.com
A book in English on post-junta Greece is long overdue, as has become increasingly
apparent to me during my long teaching career at the University of Birmingham. After the …
apparent to me during my long teaching career at the University of Birmingham. After the …
Framing the Macedonian name dispute in Greece: nationalistic journalism and the existential threat
MA Karyotakis - (De) constructing Societal Threats During Times …, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
In the Macedonian Name Dispute (MND), the Greek media promoted the country's main
nationalistic narrative that treats the compromise between Greece and its neighboring …
nationalistic narrative that treats the compromise between Greece and its neighboring …