The effects of costless pre-play communication: Experimental evidence from games with Pareto-ranked equilibria

A Blume, A Ortmann - Journal of Economic theory, 2007 - Elsevier
Cheap talk is shown to facilitate coordination on the unique efficient equilibrium in
experimental order-statistic games. This result is roughly consistent with theoretical …

Transaction costs, communication and spatial coordination in Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes

S Banerjee, TN Cason, FP de Vries… - Journal of environmental …, 2017 - Elsevier
Agricultural producer participation and spatial coordination of land use decisions are key
components for enhancing the effective delivery of ecosystem services from private land …

The impact of information provision on agglomeration bonus performance: an experimental study on local networks

S Banerjee, FP De Vries, N Hanley… - American Journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The agglomeration bonus is an incentive mechanism to induce adjacent landowners to
spatially coordinate their land use for the delivery of ecosystem services from farmland. This …

Efficiency gains from team-based coordination—large-scale experimental evidence

F Feri, B Irlenbusch, M Sutter - American Economic Review, 2010 -
The need for efficient coordination is ubiquitous in organizations and industries. The
literature on the determinants of efficient coordination has focused on individual decision …

Improving spatial coordination rates under the agglomeration bonus scheme: a laboratory experiment with a pecuniary and a non‐pecuniary mechanism (NUDGE)

S Banerjee - American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The Agglomeration Bonus is a Payment for Ecosystem Services scheme that focuses on
achieving spatially‐coordinated land use across neighboring, privately‐owned agricultural …

Information and auction performance: a laboratory study of conservation auctions for spatially contiguous land management

S Banerjee, AM Kwasnica, JS Shortle - Environmental and Resource …, 2015 - Springer
Conservation auctions are used by public agencies to procure environmental friendly land
uses from private landowners. We present the structure of an iterative conservation auction …

Precedent transfer in coordination games: An experiment

G Devetag - Economics Letters, 2005 - Elsevier
Precedent transfer in coordination games: An experiment - ScienceDirect Skip to main
contentSkip to article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Help Search My account Sign in View …

When does public information undermine the efficiency of reverse auctions for the purchase of ecosystem services?

KD Messer, JM Duke, L Lynch, T Li - Ecological economics, 2017 - Elsevier
Government agencies that conduct reverse auctions related to the Payment of Ecosystem
Services (PES) traditionally provide a significant amount of public information about past …

Patience, cognitive skill, and coordination in the repeated stag hunt.

O Al-Ubaydli, G Jones, J Weel - Journal of Neuroscience …, 2013 -
Coordination games have become a critical tool of analysis in fields such as development
and institutional economics. Understanding behavior in coordination games is an important …

Coordination behavior in mode choice: Laboratory study of equilibrium transformation and selection

X Han, Y Yu, B Jia, ZY Gao, R Jiang… - Production and …, 2021 -
In a transportation system with multiple equilibria, coordination failure occurs when a group
of travelers could achieve the efficient equilibrium but fail because they cannot coordinate …