Emotion and politics: Noncognitive psychological biases in public opinion

SW Webster, B Albertson - Annual review of political science, 2022 - annualreviews.org
Contemporary politics is noteworthy for its emotional character. Emotions shape and, in turn,
are elicited by partisan polarization, public opinion, and political attitudes. In this article, we …

A bottom‐up theory of public opinion about foreign policy

JD Kertzer, T Zeitzoff - American journal of political science, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
If public opinion about foreign policy is such an elite‐driven process, why does the public
often disagree with what elites have to say? We argue here that elite cue‐taking models in …

The psychology of state repression: Fear and dissent decisions in Zimbabwe

LE Young - American Political Science Review, 2019 - cambridge.org
Many authoritarian regimes use frightening acts of repression to suppress dissent. Theory
from psychology suggests that emotions should affect how citizens perceive and process …

Images that matter: Online protests and the mobilizing role of pictures

A Casas, NW Williams - Political Research Quarterly, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Do images affect online political mobilization? If so, how? These questions are of
fundamental importance to scholars of social movements, contentious politics, and political …

How emotional frames moralize and polarize political attitudes

S Clifford - Political psychology, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Moralized issues, such as abortion and same‐sex marriage, are some of the most polarizing
and divisive issues in politics. These topics motivate political engagement but present a …

Public support for development aid during the COVID-19 pandemic

Y Kobayashi, T Heinrich, KA Bryant - World Development, 2021 - Elsevier
Global pandemics are a serious concern for develo** countries, perhaps particularly
when the same pandemic also affects donors of development aid. During crises at home …

Fear and loathing: how demographic change affects support for Christian nationalism

B Walker, DP Haider-Markel - Public Opinion Quarterly, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Christian nationalism, the fusion of religious and national identities, has emerged as an
important factor sha** public opinion on a range of issues. However, debates in the …

Anxiety, fear, and political decision making

M Wagner, D Morisi - Oxford research encyclopedia of politics, 2019 - oxfordre.com
Research has shown emotions affect decision-making in ways that do not simply undermine
rationality. Instead, in recent decades researchers have recognized that emotions also …

The social consequences of political anger

SW Webster, EC Connors… - The Journal of Politics, 2022 - journals.uchicago.edu
A functioning democracy relies on social interactions between people who disagree—
including listening to others' viewpoints, having political discussions, and finding political …

Emotion and political psychology

SK Gadarian, T Brader - The Oxford handbook of political …, 2023 - books.google.com
Emotions are central to human behavior and thus not surprisingly to politics as well. One
need not look far to see them at work. Election campaigns are replete with emotion, from …