Direct seawater electrolysis: from catalyst design to device applications
Direct seawater electrolysis (DSE) for hydrogen production, using earth‐abundant seawater
as the feedstock and renewable electricity as the driving source, paves a new opportunity for …
as the feedstock and renewable electricity as the driving source, paves a new opportunity for …
Scaling the production of renewable ammonia: A techno-economic optimization applied in regions with high insolation
In light of climate change mitigation, countries aim to maximize the integration of variable
renewable energy. This presents an opportunity for fossil fuel exporting desert countries to …
renewable energy. This presents an opportunity for fossil fuel exporting desert countries to …
Learning curve for seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants: capital cost trend of the past, present, and future
Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination is expected to play a pivotal role in hel**
to secure future global water supply. While the global reliance on SWRO plants for water …
to secure future global water supply. While the global reliance on SWRO plants for water …
Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and wind energy: A global estimate
This study demonstrates how seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plants, necessary to meet
increasing future global water demand, can be powered solely through renewable energy …
increasing future global water demand, can be powered solely through renewable energy …
Optimization of sustainable seawater desalination: Modeling renewable energy integration and energy storage concepts
Many arid and semi-arid regions of the world face growing freshwater scarcity, requiring
increased utilization of seawater desalination to augment the existing freshwater resources …
increased utilization of seawater desalination to augment the existing freshwater resources …
Electrochemical desalination of seawater and hypersaline brines with coupled electricity storage
We present a zinc| ferricyanide hybrid flow battery that achieves extensive first-pass
desalination while simultaneously supplying electrical energy (10 Wh/L). We demonstrate …
desalination while simultaneously supplying electrical energy (10 Wh/L). We demonstrate …
Long-term hydrocarbon trade options for the Maghreb region and Europe—renewable energy based synthetic fuels for a net zero emissions world
Concerns about climate change and increasing emission costs are drivers for new sources
of fuels for Europe. Sustainable hydrocarbons can be produced synthetically by power-to …
of fuels for Europe. Sustainable hydrocarbons can be produced synthetically by power-to …
Role of seawater desalination in the management of an integrated water and 100% renewable energy based power sector in Saudi Arabia
This work presents a pathway for Saudi Arabia to transition from the 2015 power structure to
a 100% renewable energy-based system by 2050 and investigates the benefits of …
a 100% renewable energy-based system by 2050 and investigates the benefits of …
Assessment of methodologies and data used to calculate desalination costs
In desalination, similarly with other industries, the cost of the final product is one of the most
important criteria that define the commercial success of a specific technology. Therefore …
important criteria that define the commercial success of a specific technology. Therefore …
Practical minimum energy use of seawater reverse osmosis
Increasing the energy efficiency in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) is crucial to address
worsening climate change and water scarcity. This study uses data from 39 facilities and …
worsening climate change and water scarcity. This study uses data from 39 facilities and …