The specificity of women's sexual response and its relationship with sexual orientations: A review and ten hypotheses

ML Chivers - Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2017 - Springer
Category-specific sexual response describes a pattern wherein the individual shows
significantly greater responses to preferred versus nonpreferred categories of sexual stimuli; …

The empirical status of the preparation hypothesis: Explicating women's genital responses to sexual stimuli in the laboratory

ML Lalumière, ML Sawatsky, SJ Dawson… - Archives of Sexual …, 2020 - Springer
Research conducted in our laboratory and in other laboratories has revealed that (1)
women's genital responses to visual and auditory stimuli are strongly affected by the …

Not straight and not straightforward: The relationships between sexual orientation, sociosexuality, and dark triad traits in women

SW Semenyna, CF Belu, PL Vasey… - Evolutionary …, 2018 - Springer
Two studies examined the connection between women's sexual orientation, their
sociosexuality (ie willingness, attitudes, and desires associated with uncommitted sexual …

Implicit sexual cognitions in women with ambiphilic sexual attractions: A comparison to androphilic and gynephilic women

RJ Snowden, NS Gray, KS Uzzell - Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2024 - Springer
Previous research using indirect cognitive measures (sometimes referred to as implicit
measures) of sexual attraction have shown that women who are attracted to men …

The effect of static versus dynamic stimuli on visual processing of sexual cues in androphilic women and gynephilic men

SJ Dawson, ML Chivers - Royal Society Open Science, 2018 -
Models of sexual response posit that attentional processing of sexual cues is requisite for
sexual responding. Despite hypothesized similarities in the underlying processes resulting …

Combating bisexual erasure: The correspondence of implicit and explicit sexual identity

TA Kirby, SK Merritt, S Baillie… - Social …, 2021 -
Both straight (ie, heterosexual) and gay/lesbian individuals still question and erase bisexual
identities. Skeptics contend that people adopt bisexual identities for strategic motivations …

Exposure to continuous or fluid theories of sexual orientation leads some heterosexuals to embrace less-exclusive heterosexual orientations

JS Morandini, L Dacosta, I Dar-Nimrod - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
We examined whether heterosexual individuals' self-reported sexual orientation could be
influenced experimentally by manipulating their knowledge of the nature of sexual …

Asexuality vs. sexual interest/arousal disorder: Examining group differences in initial attention to sexual stimuli

J Bradshaw, N Brown, A Kingstone, L Brotto - Plos one, 2021 -
Attention is considered to be a critical part of the sexual response cycle, and researchers
have differentiated between the roles of initial (involuntary) and subsequent (voluntary) …

The role of attractiveness in gendered sexual response patterns

AD Timmers, SM Blumenstock, L DeBruine… - The Journal of Sex …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Previously documented sexual response patterns of gender-specificity among gynephilic
men and gender-nonspecificity among gynephilic women could be explained by women …

Sex and sexual orientation differences in dark triad traits, sexual excitation/inhibition, and sociosexuality

SW Semenyna, PL Vasey, PL Honey - Archives of sexual behavior, 2024 - Springer
The present study sought to investigate sex and sexual orientation differences in several
traits related to sexuality and sexual behavior. Examining sexual orientation differences …