Effect of financial stress on self-rereported health and quality of life among older adults in five develo** countries: a cross sectional analysis of WHO-SAGE survey
R Huang, B Ghose, S Tang - BMC geriatrics, 2020 - Springer
In develo** countries, older adults (65 years of age and above) share an increased
vulnerability to catastrophic health expenditures and financial stress which can have …
vulnerability to catastrophic health expenditures and financial stress which can have …
“Down in the Sewers”: Perceptions of depression and depression care among African American men
Depression is one of the most common, costly, and debilitating psychiatric disorders in the
United States. One of the most persistent mental health disparities is the underutilization of …
United States. One of the most persistent mental health disparities is the underutilization of …
Gender, stress, and mental health among older African Americans
CL Erving - Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2022 - connect.springerpub.com
Though past research has examined the influence of social stress exposure on the mental
health of older African Americans, the tendency is to investigate singular stress exposures …
health of older African Americans, the tendency is to investigate singular stress exposures …
Racial difference in the relationship between health and happiness in the United States
S Cobb, A Javanbakht, E Khalifeh Soltani… - Psychology research …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Background Although health is a prerequisite for happiness, the salience of health for
maintaining happiness may be diminished for Blacks when compared to Whites, a …
maintaining happiness may be diminished for Blacks when compared to Whites, a …
Older, church-going African Americans' attitudes and expectations about formal depression care
This phenomenological study involved focus groups with church-affiliated, African American
women and men (N= 50; ages 50 and older) in southeast Michigan to determine their …
women and men (N= 50; ages 50 and older) in southeast Michigan to determine their …
Self-harm and suicidality in US college students: associations with emotional exhaustion versus multiple psychiatric symptoms
HC Lin, M Li, C Stevens, S Pinder-Amaker… - Journal of affective …, 2021 - Elsevier
Purpose This study aimed at describing self-harm and suicidality (SHS) in relation to
unobserved heterogeneous groups of college students based on their psychiatric symptoms …
unobserved heterogeneous groups of college students based on their psychiatric symptoms …
African American fathers' race-related discussions with their children: Associations with racial identity beliefs and sociodemographic factors
Objectives Studies have highlighted that, for African American men, race-related and
sociodemographic contexts are inextricably bound and have profound effects across the life …
sociodemographic contexts are inextricably bound and have profound effects across the life …
The doctor never listens: Older African American men's perceptions of patient–provider communication
Patient-centered communication is a com-ponent of high-quality health care that
foregrounds the patient's orientation and experience during patient–provider interactions …
foregrounds the patient's orientation and experience during patient–provider interactions …
Characterizing mobility limitations among older African American men
This study represents an effort to contribute to the limited body of research on
biopsychosocial contextual factors that influence or contribute to mobility limitations for older …
biopsychosocial contextual factors that influence or contribute to mobility limitations for older …
A social-ecological perspective of spiritual resilience and suicidality among African-American men
DD Reed, R Adams - Social Work in Public Health, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Despite their minoritized status research has shown that suicide among African-American
men has steadily increased. Research has also discussed generalized protective factors …
men has steadily increased. Research has also discussed generalized protective factors …